I could practically hear the gears grinding in Sasuke's brain, thinking up ways to punish me for my insolence. I knew I had to tread carefully, but my curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to understand why he had done this to me. I needed answers.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at me, his gaze burning with intensity. "Like I said, it's just business," he said. "I'm after Harris Cheng."

Hearing the name of my sister's ex made my skin crawl. "Why?"

"I don't owe you an explanation," he snapped. He turned on his heel and went to the window, grumbling to himself in Japanese.

There was a long silence. The hotel room was dark, lit up only by the street lights filtering through the vertical blinds.

I waited. What else could I do? I was securely tied to this chair with no chance of escaping. And, even if I did try, he'd probably just shoot me.

I watched his silhouette against the window, pressing my lips together as I remembered his violent kiss.

I heard the distinct clink of ice cubes hitting the glass as he poured himself a drink.

With a sigh, I leaned back in the chair, trying to loosen the knots binding my wrists. My fingers ached from the tightness, and I could tell the bruises were beginning to form.

"So, uh, Sasuke," I said. "How about you let me go?"

Sasuke knocked back the drink and turned back to me. "Not a chance, babe. You can still be useful to me."

I spent hours strapped to that chair while my captor made phone calls and drank several mini bottles of whisky and rum, sometimes not even bothering to pour it over a glass of ice.

He ignored me, for the most part. Occasionally he'd glance my way and smirk, but he didn't speak to me directly again.


The sun was rising,casting light pink rays through the long blinds. I blinked as the light hit my eyes. At some point, I driftedoff to sleep. My neck was killing me and my wrists were raw from being tied with rope.

It took me a second to realize where I was before the fear took over again.

I was in a hotel room alone and tied to a chair. The bed was empty and the bathroom was dark. That asshole left me here, but his suitcase was still beside the bed, which meant he was planning to return.

My stomach growled and my bladder ached. I needed to get off this chair and go to the bathroom badly.

I wrestled against the binds, but they were too tight. Whoever this Sasuke guy was, he was good at tying knots.

I wouldn't have minded being tied up by him either, if the situation was different.

I scowled at myself for having those thoughts. "Ok Julia, calm down," I said. I focused on my breathing techniques that I'd learned from my therapist after my sister died.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

There had to be a solution. I couldn't sit here and wait for Sasuke to come back.

I didn't know what he was planning, but I couldn't afford to be stuck in this chair. With my wrists hurting and my bladder screaming at me, I decided to test my luck.

Taking a deep breath, I rocked my body forward, aiming to throw myself onto the floor and break the chair. The chair tipped, but I couldn't gain momentum. Instead, I crashed onto the carpet, hard. The air rushed out of my lungs, stealing my voice along with it.

With effort, I turned slightly, letting the chair fall to its side. Great. Now I was tied up and sideways on the floor.

I continued to fidget, ignoring the pain as I moved against the ropes.

Just as I thought the binds around my arms were loosening, the door opened.

I gasped, looking up from the floor at Sasuke. He had coffee in his hands and a surprised look on his face. His wide eyes narrowed and his neutral expression warped into a devious grin. "Where do you think you're going?"

I kept my eyes on him as he shut the door behind him.