I kept my distance from the handful of people waiting at the bus stop.

When the bus finally came, I expected to be able to relax, but the feeling of being watched didn't go away. The hair on the back of my neck prickled and my muscles would not relax. I glanced around the crowded bus, but didn't see anyone I recognized.

"You're going crazy," I whispered to myself.

The older lady beside me glanced over with a startled look.

I went red, realizing I spoke out loud instead of in my head. I smiled awkwardly and turned up the podcast to drown out the sounds around me.

About twenty minutes later, I got to the bookstore and escaped the smells and sounds of public transit.

The bell above the door chimed as I walked into the used bookstore. It was narrow, lined from floor to ceiling with used books and little oddities that the owner used as decoration. The store smelled like tea and dusty old pages. It was heaven.

The owner, a middle-aged woman with ashy brown hair and round glasses, looked up from the computer at the check-out counter. "Julia," she said with a smile.

"Hi Mary-Anne," I said, putting my purse behind the counter. "How has business been today?"

Mary-Anne shrugged. "Not the best. You know how it is."

I was the bookstore's only other employee. Mary-Anne and her husband ran it on such a tight margin I wasn't even sure how they paid their bills.

My boss checked her phone. "I was actually wondering if I could get you to lock up tonight?"

I was surprised. "Why?" I never locked up. This store was Mary-Ann's baby, so she kept a death grip on the keys.

"My husband hasn't been feeling well all day, and I feel bad leaving him alone," she said. "Do you think you'll be ok by yourself until seven?"

By seven o'clock, it would be dark, but I couldn't let my fears of Harris stop me from doing my boss a favor.

"Uh, sure," I said. "No problem."

Mary-Ann pressed the spare keys into my hand. "Thanks, you're a lifesaver. You know I wouldn't ask unless I had to."

I waved away her apologetic tone. "No problem. Really."


Mary-Anne left me aloneabout an hour later.

There were no customers for a while, aside from the usual Saturday browsers. After the first hour, I finally let my guard down and made a cup of tea to help me relax.

As closing time approached, the street grew empty and dark. I looked at the keys in my hand and shoved them in my pocket. Mary-Anne had entrusted me with closing up the store, so I was not going to let her down.

I sipped Earl Grey tea and flipped through an old book of flower photography while waiting for the clock to reach seven.

The bell above the door chimed, breaking the silence so abruptly that I jumped, nearly knocking over my cup of tea.

I looked up to see an incredibly handsome Asian man. He was dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket. His black hair was shaggy and swept back, emphasizing his sharp jaw and pale skin. His eyes were striking, a mesmerizing gold-brown color. His features were masculine and strong, with prominent cheekbones.

I had never seen anyone like him before. There was something intriguing about him. Something magnetic.

"Hello, can I help you?" I said, my voice shaking.

The man's eyes roamed over the tall stacks of books and over to me. He took long confident steps over to the counter.

"Hi there," he said with a distinctive Japanese accent. His deep voice gave me shivers.

I couldn't help but stare into those mesmerizing gold-brown eyes. His presence was intoxicating, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. I noticed tattoos on his neck, peeking out from underneath his collar.