Julia. I knew that scream. I'd heard it the night I kidnapped her. It was a sound of pure terror and desperation. That night, it'd been music to my ears, but now it filled me with white-hot rage.

The sound was coming from the apartment down the hall.

Without wasting another second, I sprinted towards the source, bursting through the door without hesitation. The scent of stale cigarette smoke hung heavy in the air, stinging my nostrils. I pushed past the discarded furniture that cluttered the room, scanning the area frantically.

"Julia!" I shouted, my voice echoing eerily in the dusty apartment. "Where are you?"

From behind the bedroom door, the muffled screams grew louder.

I burst inside, catching sight of Julia strapped to a chair, her clothes stained with blood. Her hair had been hacked off andlay in clumps around her. My blood boiled with fury, and the adrenaline surged through my veins.

"Put the fucking knife down, Harris!" I barked, pointing the gun directly at him.

Harris turned, his eyes widening in surprise. He looked stunned for a moment, then grinned wickedly. "Well, what do we have here?" he purred, licking his lips like a predator about to feast. "If you think that's gonna scare me—"

"Try it, asshole," I growled, raising my firearm higher. I'd seen this type of guy before: arrogant, thinking he was invincible. They usually crumpled under pressure. But I couldn't afford to underestimate Harris.

"Ah," he drawled, feigning nonchalance. "So, you're the hero that's going to save our dear Julia, huh?"

I remained silent, watching him closely. I didn't trust him for a second.

"Shoot me, and I take her with me," Harris said, moving behind Julia, holding the already blood-stained switchblade to her throat.

Julia stared at me with wild, terrified eyes. "Sasuke," she breathed. "Is that you?" Her soft voice trembled, a stark contrast to the sinister scenario unfolding."Sasuke, please," she pleaded, her eyes pleading for mercy. "Please, save me."

"Julia," I responded coolly, meeting her desperate gaze evenly. "Everything's going to be okay."

A cruel smile stretched across Harris's cracked lips. "Oh, really? I think our dear Julia here is beginning to understand the consequences of defying me." His mocking tone dripped with venom. "Besides, she's not Julia anymore, she's Rebecca," he added.

I didn't respond; instead, I focused on Julia. Our eyes met, communicating volumes in a fleeting instant. Her frightened expression implored me to act, to rescue her from this terrifying situation. My pulse throbbed in my temples, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I wouldn't fail her.

I stared down the gun at Harris, knowing that shooting him was putting Julia at risk, too. But what choice did I have?

"I'm not here just for her," I said. "Harris, I know you're in trouble with the Triads. You owe an awful lot of money, don't you?"

Harris' attention wavered for a moment, his eyes flicking away from mine. It was only a second, but it was all I needed to gain the upper hand. I lunged forward, ripping him away from Julia and forcing him down to the floor.

My fist connected with his jaw, sending him reeling backward. He stumbled, trying to regain his footing, but I was relentless. With each blow, I visualized the debt that Harris owed to the Triads, picturing him groveling for mercy as he faced his demise.

"Stop!" Julia cried weakly. "Please, don't kill him!"

Her plea froze me mid-strike. I lowered my fist, anger boiling inside me. "Why?" I growled at her. "He's a psycho who deserves to rot in hell."

"He's not right in the head," Julia said. "Please, he needs help. He needs mercy."

"Mercy?" I snorted. "Are you kidding me?" My grip on the gun tightened, the cold metal biting into my palm. "This piece of shit is torturing people for fun. He doesn't deserve mercy."

"No," Julia insisted, her voice trembling. "He needs help."

"Help? Are you serious?" I spat on the floor, glaring at the whimpering Harris.

Harris cringed, clutching his swollen jaw.

Blood trickled from his nose, mingling with the sweat rolling down his face. "She's right," he wheezed, his voice strained. "I'm not right in the head. I'm fucked up."

"Shut up!" I slammed my fist into his face again, barely registering his pitiful confession. I was focused on Julia, whose wide eyes spoke volumes of fear and uncertainty. Despite everything, she believed in giving people a second chance.

How sweet and naive.