Harris smiled at me, his dark eyes glinting with violent intentions. "Hey there, Julia."

I gasped, throwing myself back and slamming the door at the same time.

Harris caught the edge of the door before it closed and forced it open. "Ah, ah, I don't think so," he said with a sneer.

He pried the door further open, shoving his foot inside. "You can scream, Julia, but nobody will hear you. Nobody will save you. Not your mom, not your new boyfriend. No one cares enough about you to bother looking for you."

I wrestled away from his grasp. I refused to let him see how terrified I truly was. Instead, I steeled myself, preparing to fight tooth and nail.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I spat out defiantly.

"Don't worry about it," Harris growled, wrestling me against the floor and pressing his hand over my mouth. There was a jolt of pain against my neck, and I saw the menacing glint of a syringe.

"What are you doing? Get off me!" I shouted against his hand and bit down on his flesh.

Harris cried out, dropping the syringe and slapping me across the face. "You bitch!" He shouted, holding my body down with his own. "Stop fighting, and it will all be over soon."

My vision blurred as his words turned into muddled whispers. I couldn't control my body; my muscles went limp, and my throat constricted with every breath. "What's happening?" I mumbled before giving into the darkness.

Chapter seventeen



My head was poundingwhen I woke up.

I forced open my eyes, blinking until they focused in the darkness. I wasn't sure where I was, but it seemed like a regular empty bedroom. There was no furniture aside from an old mattress and a chair. I was lying on the floor with my hands tied behind my back. The carpet had a funky smell.

The smell of the carpet, combined with the swirling in my gut, made me want to puke.

"Hello?" I called out, wincing as my dry lips cracked.


I rolled up into a sitting position, grunting the entire time. My temples throbbed, and white flecks whirled across my vision. The feeling of nausea intensified.

I swallowed down the rising bile, forcing myself to stay calm. Where am I?

I squirmed around, trying to free my arms. My hands stung painfully, but I kept pulling at the knots. They were too tight.

"Hello?" I yelled again, louder this time. My voice echoed eerily in the silent room.


No answer.

Maybe I'd been drugged. I remembered the sharp prick and a needle, but beyond that, everything was fuzzy. My memories were nothing but fragments.

Then, I heard footsteps approaching the door. The door swung open, and I saw his face. Harris. All my memories came flooding back to me.

"Harris!" I shouted.

The bile rose up in my throat again, this time winning. I slumped over, retching and gagging until every last drop of my morning coffee had become a stain on the beige carpet.

I shuddered, rolling back away from the stench of vomit. As I moved around, my phone fell out of my back pocket.

"Harris!" I croaked. "Let me go."