We'd slept together on the couch, tangled in each other's arms. He'd spooned me, his strong arms wrapped around my waist,holding me close. The scent of sweat and sex lingered in the air, a potent reminder of what we'd shared.

My throat ached with unspoken words, questions I wanted to ask but dared not voice.

I groaned, rolling my shoulders and my neck to relieve some of the stiffness from sleeping in such a weird position. Then, I threw on my pajamas and went straight for the coffee maker.

As I brewed a fresh cup, I sank into the kitchen chair, sighing deeply. The events of the previous night replayed in my mind like a movie. I recalled the intense look in Sasuke's eyes, the feeling of his firm grip on my waist, and the sweet taste of his kisses.

Our intimate encounter had felt like a dream that had somehow come true. Yet, I couldn't shake off the lingering unease. Sasuke was a cold-blooded killer, yet I had feelings for him. What kind of twisted fate brought us together? In my life, I'd never experienced anything remotely close to what I'd felt with Sasuke. Everything was heightened; every sensation was amplified.

I wouldn't consider myself to be a hopeless romantic, but after my sister's death, all lingering thoughts of finding my happily ever after went out the window. I hadn't dated in years, so long, in fact, that I thought I had forgotten what it felt like to love someone. Did I love Sasuke?

Love? Wait, in our situation, wasn't that Stockholm Syndrome?

I shook my head and sipped the fresh coffee. The caffeine made my body buzz with energy almost immediately.

Where was Sasuke, anyway?

I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly ten o'clock. I knew my mother would likely sleep until the afternoon, but Sasuke was nowhere to be found.

Cradling my precious mug of coffee between my hands, I wandered over to the front window, peeking through the curtains. Sasuke's sleek black rental car was gone.

My stomach twisted with dread. Had he really listened to my emotional demands last night and left? Would he really just go without saying a word? I'd demanded that he leave us alone in a fit of rage, but I knew deep down I didn't want him to leave. I felt safer with him nearby.

"Shit," I breathed.

I had no way of getting in touch with him either.

A deep sensation of fear washed over me, and I quickly shut the curtains. Harris could be out there watching me and waiting for me to be alone. The thought made my skin crawl.

I poured myself another cup of coffee and slumped back into the chair, cursing under my breath.

"Damn it, why did I fall for that jerk?" I grumbled. My heart raced at the mere memory of touching him last night. I'd never known anyone like him. He was unpredictable. I had no idea what he'd do next. I didn't know if he'd return or decide to disappear for good.

I did my calming breathing exercises until I had a better hold on my spiking anxiety. Fuck it, I didn't need him. I didn't need Sasuke's protection, and I couldn't live my life in fear either.

I moved around the house quickly, checking to make sure every window and door was locked. Then, I noticed my purse in the foyer, the zipper half-open. Someone had stuffed two massive wads of cash into it. I stared at the thick rolls of hundreds with shock.

Sasuke said he'd pay my bills. He wasn't joking. I'd never seen this much money before.

My heart thrummed in my chest, and I felt lightheaded. Bills were piling up, and I desperately needed money just to survive. I quickly ran upstairs with my purse and hid the money under my bed. I'd deal with it later.

In order to keep my mind off Sasuke's disappearance, I went through the motions of my normal morning routine. I had a shower and got dressed in my favorite jeans and sweater combo before going back downstairs to make breakfast.

The kitchen was so much nicer to be in now that it was clean. I realized that I hadn't even thanked Sasuke for cleaning up thehouse, and my heart twinged with emotion.He'd done so much for me, and I couldn't even express my gratitude in words.

I grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal, added milk, and sat down at the table. I hoped the crunch of the cereal would drown out the sounds of my racing heartbeat.

I reached for my phone to text my best friend, Kelsey. Maybe talking to her would distract me from everything going on until Sasuke came back.

If he came back.

Then, there was a knock at the door.

My heart leaped up, hopefully. It had to be Sasuke. I pocketed my phone and dashed to the front door, swinging it open.

My joy froze up inside of me like a sheet of ice.
