"Finally," Harris' raspy voice grated on my ears.

I turned around, pressing my back into the wall. "Please, don't hurt me," I whimpered.

I needed to wake up. I needed to wake up!

"I know you miss her as much as I do. Why don't you soothe my sadness and pretend to be her just for one night?" With a flash, Harris was beside me, pressing my body against his.

"Let me go!" I cried.

Please wake up, Julia!

Harris's hands groped my body up and down. "You look just like her, y'know," he whispered.

I trembled at his touch, his breath hot on my neck. I could feel his arousal growing between us as he pressed his body closer to mine.

My hands instinctively reached behind me, feeling the rough texture of the bricks against my palms. My heart pounded erratically in my chest, threatening to burst out of my rib cage. Fear and disgust coursed through my veins.

"I can't believe you're here… with me," Harris murmured, his voice thick with lust.

Fuck! You have to wake up, Julia!

I let out a scream as he kissed my cheek.

With a gasp, the dream world faded away, and I was back in my room. I blinked the sleep from my eyes, staring up at the ceiling.

"It was just a dream," I sighed through sobbing breaths.

It felt so real. It was like Harris was really there, catching me and keeping me to do whatever he pleased. No one was there to save me.

I curled up, hugging my pillow and letting my heart rate return to normal.

"It was just a dream," I said over and over, focusing on my breathing. "A nightmare."

I exhaled heavily, sitting up in bed.

Sounds of rustling and footsteps echoed from downstairs. I knew my mother was safely tucked into bed. Was Sasuke still up at this time?

I threw on a sweater and padded quietly down the hall, clutching the wooden banister tightly. As I descended the stairs, I spotted a flickering light beneath the archway leading to the living room.

"Sasuke?" I whispered.

Sasuke was in the living room, bent over piles of clutter that'd piled up over the months since my sister's death. The coffee table was recently cleaned off, with only a single candle flickering on the surface. A gentle scent of vanilla and cinnamon filled the air to mask the less-than-savory stench of depression.

He turned as he shoved some discarded mail in a garbage bag. "You're awake?"

"You're awake?" I asked at the same time.

"Couldn't sleep," he said.

"Are you... cleaning the living room?" I asked, unable to believe my eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be a big bad yakuza assassin?"

"Can't I be more than one thing?" He challenged me with a playful shine in his eyes.

I looked away. "Yeah, I guess so. But you don't have to do all of this."

"I know," he said, tossing more old mail into the garbage. "But someone needs to take care of this mess."

I bristled. "Sorry, housekeeping hasn't been on the top of my list," I said defensively.