Page 37 of Bun Sticker


"All I can say is I called it," Regina says, grinning from ear to ear as we sit together in the cozy cottage, a celebratory glass of wine in hand. "I knew you were falling for Clark. Call it best friend intuition." She sips her drink and looks around the room with a sigh. "I'm starting to think this place might be a little magic. Both of us have found our other halves under this roof."

"Maybe that's what your book should be about," I say, referring to the romance novel she's been quietly working on with her now-husband Josh. They bonded over their love of reading, and I can't wait to help them make their book a smash hit when the time is right.

"It'll definitely feature a cute little cottage and a couple of city girls, that's for sure."

"I can't wait to read it."

"And I can't wait to hear the sound of wedding bells ringing for my best friend."

"Whoa, whoa. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. I literally just admitted I'm in love with the guy."

"I know. But why stop and start overthinking it? Just run into those big muscular arms of his and never let go."

"You've become such a romantic since marrying Josh," I say, unable to stop smiling. "And I think it's definitely rubbing off on me. I mean, what the hell is going on? This all happened so fast with Clark, and I'm still reeling. just feels right, you know?"

Regina grins, her eyes shining. "I'm so happy for you, Mariah. You deserve someone amazing."

"Clark is pretty amazing," I say with a happy sigh. "Who knew my vacation fling would turn into the real thing?"

"I'm not gonna lie, I was definitely hoping," she says, and we tap our glasses in cheers, sharing our excitement and even shedding a tear or two because it's hard to admit how desperately you want someone to make you feel safe and cared for, especially after a lifetime of convincing yourself you don't.

Finally Regina stands, hugging me tightly. "I should get going, but I'm so glad you'll be my neighbor. Let me know if you need help packing your apartment up in the city. We'll make a weekend of it."

"Sounds perfect," I say before I walk her out and close the front door, leaning against it with a peaceful smile. My best friend, the man I love, and this quaint little town—I finally feel like I'm somewhere I belong.Home.

I've barely stepped away from the door to tidy up our wine glasses when there's an eager knock. "Oh my goodness, Reggie. What did you forget?" I call out, heading back to it.

But when I open the door, it's not Regina standing there—it's Clark. Before I can react, he sweeps me into his arms and spins me in a circle, his face alight with joy.

"Our future here is safe, darlin'," he exclaims, spinning me around. "I talked to my boss, and it honestly couldn't have gone better."

"What do you mean? Tell me everything."

"Well," he starts, setting me down but keeping me close. "Turns out they knew who I was when they hired me. He said his father—who was running the ranch back then—was unsure about me at first, but after watchin' me work with his animals, he realized I was here for all the right reasons. When Austin took over, he learned about my background too, but again, I'd been here long enough for them to know I wasn't a threat. He has no issue with me continuing to work at the ranch while also helpin' out my father. He said he sees me as a part of the Double C family now, and that the ranch wouldn't be the same without me. But he did have one condition—that Calloway Industries never tries to buy up the land. And I told him that isn't a problem. There will likely come a day when my father does force the company onto me, and when he does, I plan on breaking up it all up and giving it back to the farmers—people like Austin and Harper. They deserve to have control of their lands, not some soulless company gobbling it up to line their pockets."

His earnest words fill me with warmth. Clark's loyalty, not just to the land, but to the people who rely on it, makes me fall for him a little more.

"I love that. It's a good plan, Clark."

"It's a start of one, anyway. I realized today that I can't avoid my family name forever. But when the time comes, I can use that name to set things right. My father was talking a lot about sharing his dreams today, and when we walked into the boardroom and I saw the portraits of my great-grandfather on the tiny ranch that started it all, it hit me that the dream I share is the same as his. So when my father calls me back to the city and won't take no for an answer, I'll bring the company full-circle, back to its roots. Every ranch or farm they've ever taken from will find themselves an equal owner. We can all work together to make a sustainable and prosperous future, not just for us, but for generations to come. No more corporate greed,but a community working in harmony, respecting the land and its gifts."

"What did Austin think of that?"

"He shook my hand and told me he'd love to stand by my side to make that happen."

"Oh my god, Clark. This is all amazing news," I say, loving seeing the man who's been under so much stress since that initial helicopter ride looking positively giddy.

"What about the other hands? Did they give you any trouble?"

"I had words with Joey. He was hurtin' pretty good. But I explained to him where my loyalties are and now he's teasin' me about being a model. I'm guessing the other guys will give me a bit of crap for a while, but I'm hopeful it'll all be OK. We've been a team for years now, you know. I see most of them like brothers."

"I'm sure they'll come around," I say with a soft smile. "They all care about you, Clark. They're just worried about what's going to happen to their livelihoods."

"I know, and I understand. But I want them to realize that no matter what the future holds, I'm gonna be the guy who sets it all right again. It's time."

I smile at him. "It sounds like you've made some amazing strides, Clark. I'm really proud of you."