Page 29 of Bun Sticker


He's in love with me?Clark's whispered words ring in my ears, and I freeze, overwhelmed by the sudden confession, and the speed at which everything between us is happening.This was supposed to be a fling. A bit of fun while I was on vacation and now I'm... He's...

No. It's too soon.

Clark's face falls as he studies my stunned expression. "Shit. That was too much, wasn't it?" he says, scrubbing a hand over his face. We tidy ourselves quietly, the atmosphere now laced with an undercurrent of awkwardness after his confession. "Listen, I didn't mean to blurt it out like that. I...I just..."

Letting out a breath, I step closer to him and press a hand to his chest in reassurance. "It's OK," I say, not wanting him to feel bad when I don't even knowwhatI feel right now. "I'm just...processing."My emotions are a tangled mess."Can we maybe slow down a little here? I think things are....running away from us a little. And we've got time, right?"

Relief smooths his features. "Of course, darlin'. We've got all the time in the world." Placing his hands on my hips, he kisses my forehead. "But just so you know, I could wait for you forever if I had to. My feelings won't change."

His words make my belly flutter, even as my mind urges caution. I know Clark means what he says—his earnestness and sincerity have drawn me in and caught me off guard from the start. But forever? We've known each other barely a week.

“I’ll take you home,” he murmurs as he releases me slowly.

I let out a weighted breath, and as Clark drives me back to the cottage, my is mind still reeling. He glances at me a few times, but seems to sense I need space to think and doesn't push for conversation until we've pulled up out front.

"You gonna be all right?" he asks as he cuts the engine.

"Yeah, just thinking," I say, though my voice comes out thin. My emotions are still seesawing wildly. Clark turns in his seat to face me, his eyes gentle.

"I understand I’m askin’ a lot of you, city. I don't expect you to have the answers tonight or even tomorrow. Just know...” he takes my hand and squeezes it, the calluses rough but reassuring, “...that my heart's yours if you ever want it."

I give him a shaky smile and hop out of his truck, my legs feeling like spaghetti. "Thanks, Clark. For...everything," I manage as I go to close the door.

"Don't say it like that, darlin'. Talkin' like that sounds a lot like goodbye, and I already promised I wasn't ever gonna leave you."

When I lift my eyes to meet his gaze, his expression stops my heart. "I...." But I'm at a loss for words. Instead, I force a smile and close the truck door gently, walking up to the cottage in a daze.

I've barely changed into comfy clothes when my cell rings. I'm in no mood for conversation, so I let it ring out, but then it immediately starts ringing again. I really want to just sit and ruminate over my feelings, but this is obviously important. When I take a look at the screen, it's my boss. Damn.

The call starts with "I know you're on vacation, but..." and ends with me agreeing to return to the city to sort out a client crisis. My shoulders slump. I really don't want to leave things unresolved with Clark. But duty calls and if I want them to be flexible so I can stay in Cedarwood Valley I little longer, I need to play ball. Besides, I should be back here within a day or two, anyway.

Still, I don't want Clark to think I'm running away, so I quickly text him:

Me: Got called away for a client emergency. Should be a quick trip. But I'll be back, I promise I'm not running.

Clark: I'd only chase you if you did ;)

Me: I'd be shocked if you didn't

Clark: If you need me, I'm there.

Me: I know :) This isn't about us, I promise.

Clark: I believe you, city. I'll be here waiting until you get back.

Me: Can't wait

Clark: Love you

My breath catches reading those two loaded words. I'm not ready to say them back yet, but it feels good to see them in text. Especially when I still haven't said them back. My thumbs hover over the keypad, and eventually I send him a pink heart emoji, hoping it conveys what I can't express aloud.

With a smile, I tuck my phone away and pack an overnight bag. Time to handle this work crisis so I can get back to Clark and hopefully figure out if the intensity of this thing between us is something I'm ready for.

I'm scared. But also, I'm hopeful.