Page 21 of Bun Sticker

Mariah grins, her eyes dancing in the dim light of the music hall. "To music and magic indeed," she replies, clinking her glass against mine before taking a hearty swig. Just before she sets her glass down and lets out a hoot when the next song starts.

We laugh and sway, caught up in the energy of the room and the music. Mariah's hair swirls around her as she tosses her head back with abandon, and I get caught in a bunch of feelings and a sheer certainty that this, right here, is the woman I'm going to marry.

I just need to clear up a little something about my identity first.

The realization that I'm going to have to tell her my real name and who my family is before this goes much further hits me like a ton of bricks. I haven't divulged that information to anyone in a decade, and honestly, the information feels so buried down inside me that I get a lump blocking my throat to stop the words coming out. I've had so many terrible reactions from folks when they hear my last name that it's become a secret I am almost physically incapable of sharing. The raised eyebrows, the curiosity, sometimes even fear, and finally the wall that springs up between us. No one from a small town likes the name Calloway. But what about Mariah? Will she react the way other folks in the city did, with dollar signs in their eyes?

This could change everything between us, and I don't want that. I just want us to stay like this. A city girl and a country boy. Forever.

"Everything OK?" Mariah asks, breaking into my reverie. "You seem a little out of sorts." Her voice teeters on the edge of concern, and I can see the worry creep into her eyes.

With a sigh, I promise myself to deal with it later, pushing it back into the recesses of my mind for now. Tonight is ours, and I plan on making every moment count.

"Yeah," I say, forcing a smile onto my face. "Just lost in the music."

"Well, get back here and have fun with me, cowboy. Looks like our wings are on the way over."

After our meal and the show, we decide to take our dessert to-go and make our way back to the cottage, pleasantly exhausted, but not in the least ready for bed.

"This was the most amazing day," Mariah murmurs against my lips when I kiss her goodnight at the door. "Thank you, Clark."

I smile against her mouth, tightening my arms around her waist. "Anytime with you is my greatest adventure, darlin'."

"You're saying that like this is some sort of goodbye kiss, Clark." Her fingers wrap around my shirt collar and she tugs, urging me to step into the cottage with her. "I think both you and I know this night isn't over yet."

With a chuckle, I look at her, my heart pounding in the silence. For a moment, the world outside doesn't exist. There's just Mariah, her luscious curves and her tempting eyes full of promise and expectation. And I want to lose myself in all of that. Yet, in the back of my mind, whispers creep, whispers of the last name that I've been so desperate to keep secret. Calloway. A name that could change everything between us in an instant, shattering the perfect bubble we've built for ourselves.

"I think I should tell you something first, Mariah." My hands slowly glide down to grasp her hips, digging softly into her tender flesh.

She gasps, her eyelids looking heavy as she smiles up at me. "As long as you aren't married or a serial killer, then it can wait. This city girlreallywants to ride her cowboy to show appreciation for thisamazingday."

I chuckle, incredibly turned on by her bluntness, and somewhat relieved she's given me an out for tonight. "I can assure you I'm neither, darlin'."

"Then hush," she murmurs against my lips, pulling me farther into the cottage. "Words can wait for morning."


As sunlight streams in through the curtains, gently waking me from probably the best sleep of my existence, a smile spreads across my face.This is the life.I stretch luxuriously, memories of the incredible weekend with Clark washing over me. We've spent the last few days tangled in each other and these sheets, barely surfacing for food or fresh air. It's been pure bliss.

Turning over, I find a single red rose on the pillow where Clark's head should be. I bring it to my nose, inhaling its sweet fragrance. Next to the flower is a note in Clark's tidy handwriting:

I'll be back as soon as the workday ends, city girl. I'll bring dinner. You make sure you rest up, because I'll be having you for dessert -xx-

Grinning from ear to ear, I clutch the note to my chest and flop back against my pillow. How did I get so lucky to find a man like Clark? Kind, thoughtful, sexy as hell. He's everything I never knew I wanted. But on top of that, I also know he's something I can't keep.

No matter which way we spin this, our relationship is over by this time next week when I have to return to the city and go back to work.

There were a few times this weekend when Clark's expression turned serious, and I just knew he wanted to talk to me about what happens when that time comes. But each time he got that look in his eyes, I either pulled him back into bed or distracted him with something else. I know we have to face reality, but when we still have a week of wonderful memories left, now isn't the time for tough talks or self pity. I just want us to have fun. Is that so wrong?

With a sigh, I trace the outline of Clark's words on the note as I try to drown out the reality knocking at my door. But when that knocking seems to turn into a loud banging, I realize there's actually someone here and sit up in bed.

"Mariah, get out here!" Kym's voice calls out. "Emergency girl meeting, stat!"

I hear Regina urging her to calm down as I throw on some clothes and hurry to open the door. Kym is pacing the porch wild-eyed, Regina standing to the side looking concerned.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I need help, I'm freaking out," Kym says, wringing her hands anxiously. She explains that Hayes wants her to go on the road with him while his sheep shearing tour continues. But it would mean leaving the farm, her family, everything familiar.