Page 39 of Bun Sticker

“Trying to get rid of the stress baker?” Mariah asks wryly.

Life hasn't always been easy this past year as we navigated blending our two very different worlds. I never wanted Mariah to feel she had to give up her career, and she never asked me to lessen my time at the ranch. My role as brand ambassador for my father’s company has been a blessing and a curse. The extra money helps, especially now with a baby on the way. But the travel and publicity put strains on us at times. Through it all, though, our love has only grown stronger. Mariah is my rock, my guiding light. And I'm thankful every day that she took a chance on a country boy like me. But one thing I've noticed is that when Mariah is feeling the pinch, she bakes. And when she bakes, I know she needs a little extra loving care.

“Get rid of you? Never. I live for these moments when you turn our kitchen into a bakery.” I gently take the mixing bowl from her hands and guide her toward the sofa. “But you should be resting as much as possible. I can handle icin' these scrolls and cleaning up.”

With a tired but thankful smile, Mariah settles comfortably against a pile of pillows. I finish up in the kitchen, then join her, massaging her feet.

“Just think, this time next month we’ll be parents,” I muse, my thoughts drifting to the crib I've been working on out in the barn, sanding the wood to a smooth finish. I want our baby girl to have a special homemade bed to welcome her into the world. I've already etched her name into the headboard—Hannah Rose West.

If you'd told me a year ago I’d be days away from becoming a father, I would’ve said you were crazy. But Mariah changed everything for me. With her by my side, I want a full life. I’m no longer afraid of people seeing the real me, or knowing about my past. The thought of losing her gave me the courage to face up to my father, and not only fight openly for the life I want, but to make a plan for the world I want to raise our kids in, too.

“I hope I don’t screw her up,” Mariah says suddenly, absently rubbing her belly. “I didn’t really have the best role model for motherhood.”

“Hey, you’re gonna be an amazing mom. Our little girl is so lucky to have you.”

Mariah’s eyes glisten with emotion. “You really think so?”

“I know so. Neither of us are our parents. You’ve got the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met.” I lean over to kiss her softly, feeling our daughter kick between us, as if in agreement.

“Want me to draw you a nice bath while I fix us some dinner?”

She grins. “I think I'd love that."

Standing up, I press a kiss to her forehead and head toward the bathroom.

"Have I told you lately that you’re the perfect man?” she calls after me.

I chuckle. "You've told me on occasion, but my ego doesn't mind hearin' it again."

“Well, it’s still true. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

“I’m the lucky one.” And it’s nothing less than the truth.

A year ago, I never could have imagined this. My father may have sent that helicopter to summon me home, but my home will always be right here with Mariah. I have my girl. And I have my plan. And I'll never hide who I truly am again.


Five Years Later

I glance at the time on my computer screen and smile. Almost time to log off for the day.

Shutting down my laptop, I tidy up the home office that doubles as a playroom when my daughters aren't napping. It's hard to believe my PR consulting business is already three years old. After the viral book campaign I spearheaded for Regina and Josh's romance novel, publishers started seeking me out to promote their new releases.

When my client list grew too big to handle alone, Clark encouraged me to take the leap. With his unwavering support, I launched Cherry Creek PR. We turned the spare bedroom of the cozy ranch house we built when I was pregnant with our second child into a functional home office. During the day when the girls are at preschool, I meet with clients via video chat while also managing my team remotely. It's the perfect compromise that allows me to work in my PJs while still being hands on in my daughters' lives.

As I exit the office, the smell of something delicious wafts from the kitchen. I find Clark at the stove, dishing up two platesof steak and veggies. On the counter is a bottle of red wine and chocolate-dipped strawberries for dessert.

"What's the special occasion?" I ask, coming up behind him to kiss his stubbled cheek.

"Does a man need an occasion to spoil his wife?" Clark says, turning his head to capture my lips in a lingering kiss.

"Mmm, I'm not complaining," I murmur against his mouth. No matter how many years go by, just one kiss from this man still makes my knees weak.

Over dinner by candlelight, we toast to our continued success and talk about our day. Hannah and Opal are fast asleep, so it's just us in the quiet. Our life isn't glamorous, but it's everything I've ever wanted—purpose, family, love.

"Remember that helicopter ride to the city?" I ask Clark, smiling into my wine as I look at him.

Clark grins. "How could I forget? It was a major turning point for both of us."