The guy laughs. “Let me guess, because she’s your bitch?”
Brady hits him in the gut, and my hands fly to my mouth to muffle a shriek of surprise. Austin signals for two security guards. They rush over and fist bump Austin before eyeing the jerk who’d slammed into me.
Brady shoves him to the ground. “Take out the trash,” Brady says, smoothing his shirt as the guards carry the guy away. He’s screaming and threatening my alphas, but they don’t even blink in acknowledgement.
“Are you okay?” Austin grabs my arm and pulls me toward Brady.
Suddenly, their scents are all around me, seeping into every pore, boxing me in and loosening the tension in my chest. “Uh, yeah. I’m okay.” I glance at Brady. “You didn’t have to do that.”
He glares at me like I’m stupid.
“Should we go in?” Austin leads me away from his angry brother and into the building. The convention center is huge, and while I knew the fight was a big deal, I’m surprised to find it’s being held in the auditorium, the largest space typically reserved for concerts or huge conventions.
After a beat, Brady catches up to us, securing my exposed side and settling the frantic fluttering of my heart. He side-eyes me, catching me looking, and shakes his head.
Don’t even start.
Resisting the urge to flip him off, I simply bat my eyelashes and smile at him.
He rears back, like I’ve struck him, and faces forward.
I take it as a win. The convention center is crawling with people. Merch vendors are set up by the main doors, and there are a few booths for liquor and food. Austin bypasses them all and leads us inside the auditorium. It’s probably my imagination, but I swear people move to the side, creating a clear path to the ringside seats.
The guys take the spots on either side of me, keeping me between them and away from the rowdy crowd. I’m being coddled and I don’t hate it. A guy next to Austin pulls him into a heated discussion about two fighters I don’t know. Brady drops an arm around the back of my chair. Every one of my senses is on high alert as he leans in.
“What are you wearing, princess?” he growls.
Dear vagina, you shouldn’t like it when asshole alphas ask you questions like that. You definitely shouldn’t approve of the controlling tendencies this particular alpha is emulating.
I side-eye him, catching his eyes on my cleavage. “They’re just clothes, Brady.” Turning my attention to the ring, I wait for the fights to start.
Brady’s harsh exhale scatters electricity down my neck. “That top is more than just clothes,” he grumbles.
“Since when do you care what I wear?” I whisper, so as not to alert Austin to our conversation.
“Since every asshole in here is wondering what it’d be like to knot you.”
I glare at him. “Don’t be a dick.”
“What did he do now?” Austin asks, dropping into his seat as an announcer begins the introductions.
“Nothing,” I say too quickly.
Austin pushes Brady’s arm off the back of my chair. Brady’s fingers graze over my neck. I have to bite my cheek to keep from whining.
“Dammit, Brady. One night. Just be nice to her for one night. Is that so hard?”
“It’s okay,” I tell Austin before Brady can say something horrible. “He was just shutting up.”
To his credit, Brady doesn’t say another word until Dylan’s name is called. As soon as the fight is announced, the three of us set aside the awkwardness that’s curled around us to cheer Dylan on. Dressed in sleek black fighting shorts and nothing else, Dylan is perhaps the hottest fucking alpha I’ve ever seen. He’s covered in colorful tattoos and more muscles than should be legal. Prowling toward the ring, he lifts his arms into the air and the crowd cheers him on. More than a few chicks call his name.
He gets into the ring and turns around, gaze colliding with mine. My lungs seize as he stares me down in his domain. Here, he’s king. And here, he looked for me before acknowledging anyone else. His lips tug into that familiar devil-may-care grin, and I find myself returning the smile.
“Get your head in the fight!” Brady calls.
Dylan’s gaze cuts away, and it’s like a blanket being ripped away on a cold day. I glare at Brady, but he’s not even paying attention to me. He and Dylan share a heated look before Dylan nods in acknowledgement.
“Let’s go, bro! You got this.” Austin leans into my space. “Have you seen him fight?”