Those two words are like bullets to the chest.
No matter how good she smells, it can’t happen. Ever. Bit by bit, I smother my desire until all that’s left is a simmering rage at the injustice of it all. Anger is an old friend, and as it takes hold, I can finally think clearly.
“Where’s your descenting lotion?”
She points at her dresser with a shaky hand. Being a young omega, she’s always covered in it. I never should have barged in here. That was a mistake I’ll never make again.
“Put it on, Quinn. You fucking stink.” And with that cruel lie, I storm out of her room and take the back way out of the house, terrified Austin will scent her on me and ask questions. I made a promise that I’d protect my brothers, and if keeping this secret from them is the way to do that, I’ll die being the only one of us who knows how luscious Quinn’s scent is.
I turn down Ocean Front Avenue with three suitcases and two boxes of my things in the trunk of my Toyota Camry. The furniture was easy enough to sell, and I’ll use the money I made to pay down some of what I owe my stepdads. My meeting with the dean is set for Wednesday, which means I have four days to figure out the best way to plead my case. For now, I try not to think about Mosley Adams.
Gaze tracking over the impossibly large and lavish homes, I nervously chew on my cheek as I turn into our driveway and hit the button to open the wrought-iron gate. The metal groans as it opens, and I ease my way up the brick-paved driveway, parking outside the front door and staring up at the massive columns framing it in. Stone planters full of pretty summer flowers decorate either side of the stairs that lead to the porch.
A large third-floor balcony hangs over the porch, supported by another set of columns. On either side of the doorway are three-story tall projections with arched windows on the uppermost floor. The landscaping is...daunting, but luckily, a hired contractor takes care of the yard. Otherwise, the grasswould be overgrown and maybe dead by the time my mom and stepdads got back.
Shutting off the car, I grab my purse before popping the trunk and grabbing two suitcases. As I carry the bags up to the door, my cell starts vibrating in my purse. Dropping off the suitcases, I grab my phone and head back to the car for another load.
“Hey, Daria. Are you here?”
“Uh, I think. You failed to mention you lived in a mansion growing up.” She releases a strained laugh. “The neighbor totally just side-eyed my old beater. Let me in before someone decides I’m here to steal things.”
“Your car isn’t that old,” I say but press the gate button all the same.
“It’s a 2010 Honda,Quinn. No one on this block owns a car produced before 2021.”
“I own a car produced before 2021.” I grab the next suitcase and carry it to the door.
“Oh, god. Sorry, you own a 2020 Toyota Camry. And it’s a special edition with heated leather seats, but you’re right—” She pauses and her car dings as she gets out of the door, then the line goes dead. “Your car is definitely a beater,” she says as I jog down the steps to greet her.
Daria is everything I’m not. Assertive. Outgoing. She can make friends at the drop of a hat, and she has no problem telling people exactly what she thinks. She sat beside me on the first day of college, and the rest is history.
Wearing a tight corset-style top that flatters every inch of her curves and deep burgundy pants, paired with short black ankle boots, I don’t see how anyone in this neighborhood could say she doesn’t belong. She’s pinned back the top half of her tight, blonde ringlets, and her smoky eye makeup puts my simplemascara and pink lipstick to shame. Her car may be old, but Daria is a glam-gal through and through.
We hug, but it’s half-assed on her side, since she’s too busy ogling the house. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
“I think, technically, he was a virgin.”
She gives me the stink eye. “Ha-ha, Quinn. You know what I mean. This place is huge!”
“Well, it’s not mine.” I shrug and take in the house, easily remembering how strange I felt when Mom and I moved in. “My stepdads are lawyers.”
“Really fucking good ones, by the look of it.” She releases a low whistle. “When can I move in?”
I roll my eyes. “And how would your alphas feel about me stealing you away?” I grab one box and she takes the other.
“They might be down, if you come with the package.” She winks at me and cranes her neck to study the balcony as we approach the porch.
“I love you and your big boobies, but I’m 100% into dicks only.” When I get to the door, I shift the box to the side and unlock the door, propping it open and scooting out of the way.
“Dicks are rather nice,” she agrees, looking around the foyer. “I don’t want to ruin the marble with the box.”
I laugh. “The floor will survive a little cardboard, Daria.”