Page 125 of Claim & Don't Tell

“Thanks.” He shoos me away. “Go do college things. Don’t post about it on the internet. Make good choices.”

I laugh and can’t help but wonder if they were calling him Daddy Wallace because he acts like he’s a father to all the staff. “See you next week.”

I park outsideof Daria’s apartment to the ringing of my phone. Mom’s number flashes across the screen. Dropping my head back, I release a drawn-out groan before answering.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Quinn! How’s it going? How’s the job?” No mention of the date gone wrong. But that’s Mom. She won’t make me feel horrible that it didn’t work out. She might be sad for me, but she has no reason to be. If only I could tell her that.

“Good.” I chew on my cheek. How does one go about telling their mother they’re hooking up with their stepbrothers?

“Good? That’s all you give me after weeks of not talking?”

Sighing, I tell her a little more about work and how I’ve been enjoying the beach house. I even drop a hint that I might be moving out of my apartment soon. “I was wondering if it might be okay to move home for a little while until I find a new place?”

I’ve made exactly zero progress in that area of my life. I’ve been too wrapped up in my alphas, being a lifeguard, and finding an internship. Of course with everything that’s happened between me and the guys. . . who knows where I’ll end up.

“Did you hear me, Quinn? I said you’re welcome home whenever you need it.”

“Thanks, Mom. How’s the trip?”

“Oh my gosh, it’s amazing. Yesterday, we went to the beach and just had cocktails and sunbathed. It’s a dream,” she says with a wistful sigh. “But we’ll be home soon enough.”

Two-and-a-half weeks, to be exact, but who’s counting?

“Can’t wait to see you and see all the pictures and souvenirs.”

She giggles. “Quinn Ariana Grande?—”

“That’s not my last name.”

“I know, but it makes me laugh every time.” She clears her throat and tries again. “Quinn Ariana, are you expecting presents when I get home?”

“Absolutely, I am.” I smile at myself in the rearview.

“My adult daughter still expects gifts.” She releases a dramatic sigh. “But I got you and the boys a few.”

I snort. “Of course, you did.” She always does. Just then, four alphas bang out of the apartment complex and storm down the sidewalk toward an SUV. Their backs are to me, so I can’t see their faces, but the way they hold themselves screamspissed off, and I frown. They look familiar. Is that Daria’s pack? “I don’t mean to cut you short, but Daria is waiting for me.”

“It’s okay, honey. Go have fun. Tell Daria I said hi and that I love her.”

I nod and grab my purse as the SUV speeds away, nearly side-swiping another car. “I will. Bye, love you.”

“Love you too.”

Disconnecting the call, I climb out of the car and lock it before rushing inside. That SUV looked exactly like the one Daria described when she was talking about her new boyfriends. If I’m right, some shit must have gone down, and she needs me. The elevator takes forever. By the time I get to her door, mystomach swims with unease. Something inside her apartment crashes into the wall and shatters.


I knock on the door.

“Go away, you fucking assholes!”

“Daria? It’s me.”

“Oh.” She wrenches open the door a moment later, eyes puffy and face bright red. She sniffs. “Hey.”

“Who do I need to castrate?” I step over the glass and wrap her in my arms, hating how she goes slack and begins to sob. “Oh, Daria. It’s okay.” Using my foot, I kick the door closed and then direct us to the couch.