Page 105 of Claim & Don't Tell

“Uh, yeah, boyfriends,” I say with a nervous laugh. She doesn’t need to know anything more than that. My high-neck blouse covers the marks, and my scent is concealed. It shouldn’t be wrong for us to be together.

We’re not blood relations, and we didn’t meet until we were teenagers.

Nothing happened until we were adults.

But most people would say it’s dirty.


And then there’s the fact that we still haven’t decided how to break the news to our parents. So, for now, I’m not advertising that I’ve found my scent matches. A little thrill from keeping the secret runs through me. The rush of adrenaline is like an embrace from an old friend.

“Well, now is as good of a time as any for a break. There’s some HR training you can take after you check your messages. Standard workplace stuff, sexual harassment, computer usage, yada, yada.”

“Ah yeah, yada yada. They mentioned that in class.”

Calla laughs. “You’re funny. I like you.”

I smile. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Okay. Text those boyfriends back, and we’ll meet up at lunch when you’re done with the training.”

“Thanks, Calla.”

She leaves my little cubicle—four half walls that are meant to give the illusion of privacy, but I can still hear John next door sniffing, and someone nearby is clipping their nails. That’s disgusting. The bright welcome banner hanging in myofficeis the only splash of color on the otherwise drab gray walls.

My phone vibrates again. I grab the device and unlock it. There are a few alerts, two new orders for perfume rollers and half a dozen messages in a group chat. As a general rule, I hategroup messages, but seeing as this one is with my mates, I’m not mad.


I hope you like the lunch I packed.


Have you figured out how to hide all the money we’re laundering?


When I get home, you owe me a dollar so this shit is protected by attorney-client privilege.


Relax, bro, it was a joke. But if I were laundering money...


*squinting gif*


Oh shit. I forgot to put the cookies I made into your lunch box.


Oh no! Not the cookies!


*middle finger emoji*