Page 48 of Ridge

“It’s new, brother. I was her security while she was home. We just clicked, and that’s it. I was supposed to meet her for the fuckin’ new year,” I tell him.

“She’s scheduled to be on a show tonight, too,” he tells me. I narrow my eyes and glare at him wondering how he knows that.

“How do you know that?”

“I did a little searchin’ too. They’re gonna shit when she doesn’t show up,” he says. He’s right. I can only imagine what they’re going to think when she isn’t at that show. I pull out my cell and text Mystic, letting him know I need his handy work once again. I need him to let them know she isn’t going to make it.

“What are you tellin’ them?”

“Fuck, I don’t know. She has the flu?” I say more of a question than a statement. Cooper chuckles and nods his head.

“That should work.”

“Hope so.”

I sit back with my beer after Mystic said he would handle it. I don’t like sitting around here and waiting, but I don’t know what we’re going to be up against, either. If it’s just Gabe, I can handle him, but what if it isn’t? What if there are more out there? What if he wasn’t acting alone? Then what? I could be walking into an ambush or something that could get Olson hurt, and I can’tlet that happen. I can’t let her get hurt. I will kill them all for touching her.

“You ready?” Cooper asks as I check the time. Fuck, it’s already been thirty minutes, and more guys are filing in through the door. I nod once and stand, following him into the room off the main room. Inside is a large wooden table with the club's logo engraved onto it, surrounded by chairs.

He offers me a seat as his guys begin to fill the room. I watch them all take seats, some having to stand at the back of the room, and I thank fuck they are a bigger club than ours is.

“This is Ridge. He’s down here from Iowa. He supposed to meet up with his old lady, but she went missin’. We’re sendin’ all of you a picture of the motherfucker who took her. He’s armed and, I would say, dangerous. We don’t know if he’s workin’ alone or with someone else. We don’t know how many people we’re up against here. We have an address, but we’re basically goin’ in blind.”

“We know anything else?” one of the other guys asks.

“We know he killed her guard. She isn’t just some girl. She’s high profile. This needs to be done in a timely and quiet manner. The area where he lives isn’t the best, but we know people there should things get out of control.”

“I want him dead. But by my hands,” I tell the room. They grunt their agreement.

“You heard the man. He doesn’t walk outta that house. If she’s there, you get her out safely first. Then we handle the rest,” Cooper tells them. “Anything you wanna say?” he asks, looking over at me.

“This guy is sick. Fucked in the head. Sent her lingerie and busted out her windows. He has photos of her from random hotels and photo shoots. We have no idea how he got in there or knew she’d be there,” I tell them. They all nod, but the angrylooks on their faces are what gets me. They’re just as pissed as I am about this.

“Everyone check your phones and make sure you got his photo,” Cooper orders. They pull phones out and check them before nodding or saying yeah. “Good. We hit the house hard and fast. We don’t want anything to go wrong here. From what we know about the house, there are two entry points. A front door on the east side and a side door on the north. We hit them at the same time,” he tells everyone.

“Surround the place? There’s enough of us,” another guy suggests.

“Yeah. We’ll do that. No one in and no one out unless it’s her. I’m textin’ a better picture of her to your phones now,” he says, looking down at his phone and typing something out. Phones ping around the room as everyone gets a picture of Olson. My stomach is cramped as I think about all of this. I don’t want her in the middle of something like this. I want her safe. I want her in my arms.

“Now that we got that, let’s gear up. Get Ridge whatever he needs,” Cooper tells the men. They stand and start leaving the room, slapping a hand on my shoulder as they go, letting me know that we got this, but it does little to ease the tension in me. I need her back. I need her unharmed, and I don’t know if that’s how we’re going to find her. I don’t know what kind of sick shit Gabe has planned for her. I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want to know, but I also need to know what kind of torture I need to inflict on that motherfucker because I will draw it out. I will make it last as long as I can.

“You good, brother?” Cooper asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“I just want my hands on that motherfucker. I want his blood on my hands.”

“Heard that. You’ll have that, too. Men like him aren’t that smart. They don’t usually go too far from home.” I knew that. I knew he would likely have her at his house, but the thought of what he might be doing to her was working my nerves over.

“Just breathe, brother. We’re gonna get her back.”



There he is. The man who was supposed to be my family. The man who took so much away from me. I can’t even stand to look at him. It makes me sick to my stomach.

“You look so pretty tied up like that,” he almost purrs, nodding toward my now half-naked body. Yeah, Gabe ripped off most of my clothes, cutting away at them like the madman he is. I was afraid he was going to cut me, but no, he just wanted me naked for his disgusting eyes to look at.

“Fuck you,” I spit at him. Don just laughs as he looks over at Gabe and back to me.