Page 17 of Ridge

“Then you should do it. You have time, don’t you?” I nod my head as he smiles at me.

“Who the fuck are you offerin’ up jobs around here?” I hear another guy speak. I turn to look over my shoulder and see Knight standing there with a grin on his face.

“Ridge’s girl. She can paint,” Tarek adds once more.

“Oh, I’m not his girl. More like his job,” I remind them. Ridge tenses up beside me, and I find myself wondering why. Knight chuckles before he steps closer and nods toward the wall.

“Think you can fix it?”

“Yeah, I’m sure I can.”

“Good. Then come back around soon. Let me know what supplies you need, or just tell Ridge, and he can get them,” he says. I nod my head, a smile on my face as a few girls walk over and introduce themselves. Tarek’s old lady, as she called herself, is nice and sweet. She offered me a drink, but I don’t feel right drinking around here. I don’t know these guys, or the girls, for that matter.

“You can let loose here, Olson,” Ridge assures me.

“It’s not my place. I’m fine, though,” I tell him. He nods his head in his usual fashion and turns to continue talking to the guy, I think is named Cage.

They carry on a conversation for about twenty minutes before he walks back over to me.

“You ready?”

“We don’t have to leave yet,” I tell him.

“You said you had shoppin’ to do. I don’t want to keep you out too late,” Ridge gently dismisses my concerns. I wonder if he’s always like this. Or if there’s a side to him that he hasn’t shown me yet.

“Thanks, Ridge,” I tell him, resting my hand on his arm. He nods once more, and we head for the door as the guys all call out to him. He flips them off and leads me outside and straight to thecar when something catches my eye. I glance around, and I don’t see anything when Ridge is by my side.

“Did you see that?”

“See what?”

“I thought I saw someone over there,” I say, pointing in the general direction.

“Probably did. People walk around here all the time. No big deal,” he says, but I see the way he narrows his eyes as he looks in that same direction. He reaches for the door and pulls it open, ushering me inside as he keeps his eyes moving around the area. It’s like he’s scanning it for anyone that shouldn’t be there.

Once he’s satisfied, he closes my door and walks around to climb in the driver’s seat.

“Who did you think you saw?”

“I don’t know. Just someone. They seemed like they were creeping out from around the corner,” I tell him. He glances back once more before he pulls out of the parking lot, and I let it go, assuming it was just someone out walking around.

“What store you wanna go to?” I ramble off the store as he raises an eyebrow. I know the place is expensive, but that’s all my mom likes. If it isn’t pricey, she doesn’t want it.

I should feel some kind of way about that, but I don’t. I know what she’s used to.



We went to a million different stores, not one of them a cheap store. She bought all kinds of gifts, and now we sit here wrapping them. Well, I offered to help, but I don’t know how much help I actually am. I’m making a mess more than anything.

“This is bullshit,” I grumble under my breath when the paper rips once more.

“It looks fine,” she tells me.

“No. It looks like shit. You’re gonna have to redo these,” I tell her as I slide the boxes toward her. She giggles, and it’s probably the best sound that I’ve heard out of her mouth. I can’t stop myself from smiling over at her.

“You like this stuff?”