“Okay. Now that we’ve taken care of that. Ridge is going to be with you at all times. I hope you made arrangements for where he’ll be sleeping,” Mitch chimes in.
“He can sleep in my room.”
“What? Olson!”
“I have a pull-out couch. Calm down, Mitch.”
“You’re going to be the death of me. I can feel it.”
“Then what a way to go?”
“Behave, Olson. I mean it.”
She’s hot. And I don’t mean that just because she’s on TV, either. The girl is hot as hell. It’s going to be fun keeping an eye on her. She’s mouthy, and I like a good mouth on a girl.
“You have been to jail?” she asks as we walk through the building and out the side door.
“Yeah. Few times,” I tell her.
“What for?”
“None of your business,” I tell her this time. I’m not going to discuss my shit with her. Not that I care that I’ve been to jail, I don’t. I just don’t plan on speaking about it with her.
“That’s a little shitty, don’t you think?”
“What is?”
“Not telling me why you’ve been to jail. I think I deserve to know, seeing how you’re going to be in my space and my house.”
“Assault and gun charges. Happy now?” I ask, looking over at her.
“Who did you assault?” she asks.
“Does it matter?”
“I guess not. Assault is assault.”
“Then let’s get to it,” I tell her as she stops at an SUV. I pull the door open, and she climbs in, and I watch her ass the whole time. Yeah, I’m a pervert like that. I move to the front passenger seat as the driver starts up the car.
“This is George; he’s my driver,” she tells me.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Ridge,” I say, being all polite and shit. He nods but doesn’t speak as we pull away from the building. I keep my eyes open, but from what I’m told, there isn’t a real threat against her. They just want to make sure she’s safe. I don’t need to be on high alert, and that’s something I like about this job. I can relax a little.
The ride takes about thirty minutes before we pull up at a house I was expecting. It’s huge and looks like something a little princess would live in. I nearly groan at the thought of having to be here in her perfect little world.
We climb out, and I grab my bag from the trunk before following Olson to the front door.
“I’ll be having family over for the holidays, so there will be more people around,” she tells me as she unlocks the door and opens it.
“How many people?” God, I don’t like people.
“About twenty. Just close family,” she says as I nod my head. Great, I can hardly wait.
“All the rooms will be filled, so I wasn’t joking about you staying in my room,” she adds.