“I don’t like it.”
I gave him a crisp smile. “I know you don’t, but I’m taking it.” I grabbed the crossbow and put the quiver of arrows over my shoulder. “Wow, this is surprisingly light.”
He shrugged and gave me an I-think-this-is-a-mistake scowl.
I exhaled in frustration. “We need to find the kryptonite for these vampires. Maybe this crossbow and the arrows are it.”
Damon gritted his teeth. “Or everything the vampire told you is a lie.”
Damon grumbled as we left the storage room. Sometimes, he drove me crazy. He never wanted me to be in harm’s way, but I was a hunter like him. The arrows might be powerful enough to kill the demons, and they would only work for me.
Not him.
We walked back up the stairs in stony silence. Justice wasn’t in the living room, nor was he in the kitchen. I was too tired to hunt for him.
I motioned toward the hallway. “Justice said we can take any room.”
Each door was crafted from rich, dark wood, promising comfort and privacy. I opened one door to a dream bedroom. Rich shades of crimson adorned a canopy bed draped with a silky comforter. Late sunlight filtered through the plantation shutters and glinted off the brass handles of the balcony doors. Everything about it was beautiful and refined, worthy of a queen.
Damon snorted, clearly not impressed, but then he opened another door. His frown softened. “Fancy digs for a hunter. I’m half-expecting to find a Jacuzzi in one of these rooms.” He sighed and lowered his head. “Do me a favor and lock the balcony and bedroom doors so I don’t have to pull a Dorothy to find you.”
“I promise, big brother. I will.” I gave him a reassuring smile as I closed the door, then set the crossbow and quiver against the wall.
My gaze caught the bathroom’s contents, and I nearly fell over. This was fit for a queen. A huge shower with a bench, a sunken jet tub, and a double sink. My bathroom at home had a tiny shower, no tub, and one sink.
The first thing I did was to peel off my sticky, smelly clothes. Even if they were washed, I didn’t think I could ever wear them again. I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot. Two white, fluffy robes hung from the door, and I could hardly wait to climb into one and sleep for a week.
The bathroom felt majestic with its sandstone walls, dark marble floor, and jade green tub. I pumped lavender shampoo into my hand, then massaged it into my scalp, working the lather until every bit of dirt and grime had been washed away. With a washcloth, I scrubbed every inch of my body until all I could smell was the lingering aroma of lavender. Too bad I couldn’t scrub away my memories.
Those would stay with me forever.
Soothing water cascaded over me, and the steam of my dreamy shower hung in the air. All too soon, the droplets turned icy cold, warning me that I was almost out of time. Hunters never got to indulge in such luxuries.
I rushed from the shower, water droplets creating a trail behind me like breadcrumbs. My hand grazed a plush white towel, and I quickly patted myself dry. I sat on the edge of the sunken tub and grabbed a bottle of lavender lotion off the counter. The smell eased the tension in my muscles, making me feel like I was at a spa. Its creamy texture glided onto my skin like silk.
Suddenly, I stopped mid-rub. I drew my brows down into a deep frown. “What the hell?”
On my forearm was a surprisingly vivid red rose, yet this was no tattoo. It was part of my flesh. Curious, I ran a finger over it. It felt smooth and didn’t hurt. The shock of the discovery raced through my veins and cut off my breath. I had to show Damon. He definitely wouldn’t like this.
I hurriedly towel-dried my hair and slipped into the fluffy white robe that warmed my skin. My dream of sleeping for the next ten hours would have to wait.
I opened the door and gasped, my heart racing.
Justice stood in the middle of the bedroom, his eyes so dark it was like looking into a bottomless abyss. He wore an impeccably tailored black suit, and his face had a coolness that sent shivers down my spine. His lips curled into a cruel smirk as he scanned me with an intensity that made my skin crawl.
“What are you doing in here? And why are you wearing a suit?” I asked, tightening the belt around my robe defensively.
“Waiting for you.” A dark, foreboding chill in his voice reminded me of Dracula.
He straightened his red tie. “And I’m wearing a suit to try to impress you.” He stepped closer, his fangs glinting in the light.
Fear raced through me, and I scrambled back toward the steamy bathroom. “You need to leave,” I demanded firmly.
He gave me a sinister smile that told me he would not be leaving anytime soon. “I don’t think that’s happening,” he stated ominously.
My heart raced as I opened my mouth to scream, but he was too quick. He moved across the room in a blur, pressing me against the bathroom door with his bulk and putting his palm over my mouth to muffle any sound. His other hand squeezed my neck. The tattoo on my forearm felt like it was on fire as I squirmed and wriggled, trying desperately to break free from his iron grip.