My lady-in-waiting watched me carefully. “My lady? Is it wise to go?”

“What do you mean?”

“Shouldn’t you rest? The opening ball is tomorrow. Isn’t that more important than a tourney?”

“Oh, no. If Roar has gone and entered himself into this tournament, I want to be there to watch.”

I wanted to make sure Roar didn’t get hurt. The roster had been filled with other names, but one commanded more of my attention than the others: Prince Vale.

I also had a hunch Roar had entered to fight the prince and that my denial of him last night had something to do with it. Perhaps, if I found Roar before the swordplay portion, I might talk him out of this madness before he went up against the fae known as the Warrior Bear.

I retreated to my room and threw off my lounging robe. In the mirror, I caught sight of my body and stopped short. My curves had become far more pronounced than when I’d arrived in Winter’s Realm. I smiled, loving how my body could take on the softness it always should have had. All the rich meals had done me some good. And that wasn’t the only thing that made me happy.

Day by day, with the help of one of Althea’s balms, the older scars on my arms and hands faded. I could barely see them anymore, and no longer worried that others would fixate on them. However, the markings on my wings still gave me pause. Those had had less time to heal and wouldn’t disappear for many days, or even weeks. However, the ladies I’d played nuchi with hadn’t seemed to notice, or if they had, they did not care, which I took as a good sign.

I dressed mindfully in a crimson gown and a heavy gold cloak that would keep the winds gusting off the Shivering Sea at bay. More importantly, it would shout to all that Roar and I were together. Though I’d never been to a tourney, people filled them, so it seemed as good a place as any to make sure the kingdom knew about Roar and me. At present, he might feel rejected, but I had no intention of going back on my promise to the warden.

“Is this appropriate?” I asked my lady-in-waiting, who had to dress for the event while I did and therefore hadn’t been able to help me.

“You look splendid, my lady.”

I patted down my skirt, nerves coming on at the prospect of being out among so many people who would surely have questions about me. These weren’t just townspeople, either, but fae with great connections and influence. “Then, let’s go. We’ll ask someone to show us the way.”

We left our suite and searched for someone to ask for directions. Shockingly, though, this part of the palace echoed with silence. People had either gone to the tourney already or perhaps the Courting Festival preparations were underway.

We made it all the way to the wide open junction of corridors that houses the terrifying stuffed bear when someone called my name. I stopped and turned to find Lady Sayyida heading my way. She appeared bright eyed, not at all affected by the Dragon’s Fire, and wore a white fur cloak and a dark blue dress. The dress was lovely, lined with sparkling white beads around the neckline, but Sayyida kept tugging at the skirt.

“Lady Virtoris,” I said as she approached and curtsied.

“Sassa’s blade! Stop that!” Sayyida pulled me up. “You too, whoever you are.”

Clemencia began muttering unintelligible apologies, one of which included calling Sayyida a most honorable lady.

I cracked a grin at the affronted look on Sayyida’s face. “I only meant to honor your house. You all were so kind to include me last night, even though I’m not of your status.”

Sayyida rolled her eyes. “We like you. Or most of us do, anyway. That’s all that matters.” She looked at my lady-in-waiting. “And who are you?”

“This is Lady Clemencia.” I smiled. “She’s my lady-in-waiting from Guldtown.”

“Lady-in-waiting?” Sayyida looked Clemencia up and down. “If Neve hasn’t ditched you, then you must not be too bad. I lose my ladies every chance I can get. They’re so insufferable.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Well, it’s true! They’re always trying to push me into the most uncomfortable outfits, as if I don’t have duties to attend to that require more than sitting prettily. Or worse, they want to find my brother and flirt. Blech! What a bunch of idiots.” Belatedly, Sayyida nodded to Clemencia. “Nice to meet you. Anyway, are you two going to the tourney?”

“We are,” I said. “You wouldn’t happen to know where to go?”

“Of course I do. Would you like to come with me?”

“Absolutely.” Better than having to ask a stranger who may or may not want to pry about me and Roar.

“Let’s go then. I’m a bit late. I had to oversee my fleet this morning and unload barrels of wine at the port, and then change into this.” She gestured to the dress she wore with a wrinkled nose.

“My mother says I have to be more appropriately dressed for the courting events. I’d much rather wear trousers to throw the king off pairing me, but today Mother insisted.” She huffed out a breath. “The Courting Festival hasn’t even started, and she’s already being so overbearing. You’d think I was still a child.”

“Well, you look wonderful.” I hoped it softened her frustration. I enjoyed wearing fancy dresses but understood being forced to do things you didn’t want to do.

“Thanks. Let’s run along to the ring, shall we?”