Page 35 of Her Alien Healers

“Okay. That’s good. We still have plenty of time. We’ll take a transport to the palace right away. The rangers standing guard outside can come with us.”

Jody stood near the foot of his bed, her naked body briefly outlined by a bolt of lightning visible through the window.

Sulat was beside her, both of them looking at the vid-screen of her comm device. A male voice came out of the speaker, but the words were impossible to make out at this distance.

“What do you mean she’s not there?” Jody scowled at the screen.

The same someone replied, and this time he heard enough to recognize the speaker: Prince Tyran.

“Need to know? We’re her medical team. Of course we should have been told! If anyone had bothered to ask, I’d have informed them that moving Phaedra this close to her due date was a bad idea.”

More information from Tyran, who sounded even more worried than he had the other night.

“Well, it’s too late now.” Jody pinched the bridge of her nose as if staving off a headache. “We’ll have to come to you.”

By this time, Tariq had moved close enough to hear both sides of the conversation.

“The storm’s expected to intensify. The entire fleet is grounded for the time being.” Tyran stared up at Jody with a look of utter frustration. “There was an attack inside the palace walls. Someone on the inside is working with the Liq’za. Most of the palace staff are currently being interviewed, and I suspect that’s too gentle a word for what Yardan is putting them through.”

Jody blew out a long breath. “Alright. I see why you moved her. I’m not happy about it, but that’s a conversation for another time. For now, I need you to tell me one thing, and I don’t care that this is a potentially insecure connection.”

Tyran nodded. “Whatever you need.”

“Tell me where the fraxx you took my patient!”

“I can’t do that,” Tyran said.

Sulat took the comm device from Jody, who seemed to have lost the ability to speak. “Why not?” he demanded.

“I don’t actually know. We were forced to land before the storm tore our shuttle apart. Braxon is piloting and knows where we are. I’ll get him to forward the coordinates to you.”

“Thank you. Before you do that, I need to know what medical equipment you have on board and who else is with you.”

“Several of my personal guards are here, and I know none of them are with the Liq’za. Other than that, it’s just the three of us.” Tyran paled slightly as Phaedra cried out in pain. “Soon to be four of us.”

The call ended, leaving the three of them staring at each other.

“Any thoughts on how we’re going to reach them in time?” Jody asked.

“We could drive,” Tariq said.

The screen flashed again, this time with a text message. Sulat read it and cursed. “No, we can’t. They must have been headed over the mountains to Raze’s place, but they couldn’t get there.” He pointed to the screen. “They’re in the foothills, here. We’d never get to them in time. No roads that far out, and the woods are too thick to drive through.”

“Air bikes?” Tariq suggested and then shook his head. “Forget that idea. Those things aren’t stable enough to fly in this weather.”

Sulat looked at him in horror. “I can’t believe you even suggested it.”

“I said forget it.” They were bantering now because both of them knew what had to happen, and neither wanted to be the first to say it.

“There’s only one way. Isn’t there?” Jody asked, her voice low but determined.

“There is.” Sulat agreed. “But not all of us need to take the risk. I can go. You stay here with Tariq. I’ll contact you when I reach them, and you can walk me through whatever needs to be done.”

“I’ll go. You’re a good healer, but your specialty has always been research. Besides,” Tariq tried to sound cocky, “the princess likes me better than you.”

Jody stepped between them. “No. I need to be there in person. Phaedra’s vitals are still in the normal range, but my gut tells me something’s wrong.”

Both men opened their mouths but then closed them at the same time. Jody was right, which meant there was no point in wasting time with an argument they already knew they’d lose.