Page 32 of Her Alien Healers

Sulat kissed her once, letting the traces of her essence paint her lips before he turned her around to face away from him. “Trust us.”

“I do,” she said. Then she leaned against him as if she understood what would happen next.

They lifted her into the air, giving her time to wrap her legs around his waist and settle her arms over his shoulders. Once she was comfortable, Tariq let Sulat take her weight as he slid a hand between their bodies to toy with her clit.

She was still sensitive from her first orgasm, so much so it only took a few strokes of his fingers to make her quiver and moan again. “You have no idea how much I like hearing your pleasure. Before we leave this shower, I intend to have you screaming my name.”

She bit her lower lip and nodded once before smiling up at him. “Oh, yes, please.”

Gently and oh so slowly, he positioned the thick head of his cock against her pussy, rubbing the tip over her clit until she was breathless and squirming between them.

“Now?” Sulat asked.

“Now.” The word came out between gritted teeth as he fought to hold back for a few more seconds. Sulat steadied her as she came down around his cock, driving him into the tight heat of her body.

Tariq kept the pads of two fingers over her clit, the pressure eliciting little gasps of pleasure that filled him with delight. He was balls-deep inside her, and she returned the favor by flexing her inner walls around him, pushing his control to the breaking point—and then past it.

He fucked her hard, hands on her hips, rewarding her every moan and whisper with another thrust or stroke of his fingers over her clit. Feet braced, lips locked to hers, he chased her up the peaks of pleasure.

Sulat grunted, his hips rocking as he ground his cock against her backside. It was an intimate dance for three, all of them reaching for release together.

Sulat came first, his primal roar bouncing off the tiled surface of the shower as he emptied himself across Jody’s back.

Then it was just the two of them, her mouth on his, her legs gripping his hips as she rode his cock hard. He felt her orgasm build, each thrust pushing her closer, her cries getting louder, until she threw her head back and called his name as her body pulsed and fluttered around his cock.

His orgasm tore through him with the force of an explosion, driving the air from his lungs as he groaned and shuddered again and again, his swollen cock jerking in time with his hips.

They stood together for a few more seconds, everyone too breathless to speak. Then Jody giggled and turned so she could look at them both at once. “l really could get used to this.”

Sulat reached up to sweep her hair back from her face as Tariq held her close. “All you have to do is ask.”

He leaned in to nuzzle her cheek. “Or you can just say yes. I’m growing quite fond of that word.”


Jody wasn’t used to sitting around with nothing to do. Her standard approach to any crisis was usually to jump in with both feet and figure things out she went. This time, things were different. Staying out of sight was the best thing she could do, not only for her own safety, but to give Yardan and his people time to do their work without disruption. Knowing that made it easier to stay away, but she still didn’t like it.

Sulat and Tariq did all they could to help her deal with the situation. They were kind, patient, and attentive in ways she’d never expected or experienced before. It was a relief to walk out from under the day-to-day burdens of responsibility she’d carried for so long. Of course, she still had plenty of things to worry about. She’d lost her home and most of her possessions while a group of hate-fueled assholes were doing their best to run her out of the colony.

The first day had passed with almost no news. She’d kept in contact with Lores while her lovers exchanged updates with their daughter and the other healers.

The two males organized a delivery of basic personal items to be sent over and left with the guards outside. Vixi and the other women in the camp went through their closets to assemble several outfits for Jody to wear until she could buy her own.

A cyborg named Shadow volunteered to bring it over, and the arrival of the former assassin proved to be a pleasant but brief distraction. It also reminded Jody that her friends were more than capable of taking care of themselves and each other.

As the hours passed, word of the incidents spread. Messages of support were posted along with offers of assistance from businesses around the colony. The generosity and kindness were balms to her soul.

She’d come here unsure of what she wanted her future to look like. Now she understood what she’d been looking for. This. Not just Sulat and Tariq and her hopes that they had a real chance at a future together. She wanted a sense of belonging, of community. She wanted a home, and Haven was it.

At her request, the evening meal was a joint effort. Cooking together proved to be a fun, relaxing way to pass the time. She and Sulat each cooked one of their favorite comfort foods while Tariq put together a dessert that featured dozens of thin wafer cookies layered with a creamy, whipped concoction she sampled every time his back was turned. They laughed and got in each other’s way, creating a small circle of light and joy that kept the darkness at bay.

Like everything else in her life, she didn’t know if it would last, but she intended to hold on to it as long as she could.

By the next morning, the lack of information had them all uneasy again. Jody had hoped this would all be resolved quickly. The only word they had from Yardan was to stay put, be patient, and ignore anything that didn’t come directly from him or Skye.

“This waiting around is making me crazy,” she announced after taking yet another aimless walk around her temporary home.

“What would help?” Tariq asked. The two males were seated in the living room, both reading on their data tablets.