Page 30 of Her Alien Healers

She uttered a low moan of pleasure and sank deeper into the chair as he continued his work. Tariq passed by, moving as quietly as he could on his way to the kitchen. Lunch was the next item on their list.

Jody stirred a few minutes later. “That feels wonderful. I didn’t even realize how stressed I was until you started doing that. You don’t have to do it anymore, though. I’m alright now.”

“Even if you had nanotech, I wouldn’t believe you. You’ve had a rough morning, and I suspect your mind hasn’t finished processing everything. As a healer, my recommendation is to rest and let us take care of you.”

She opened her eyes and tipped her head back until she could see him. “I’m a doctor, too. I think I need to get back on my feet and find something useful to do.”

Tariq reappeared from the kitchen with a glass of fruit juice in one hand and a glass of water in the other. “Your opinion has been noted and overruled,” he said. Once he was close enough, he set both glasses down in front of her. “You need to drink something that isn’t full of stimulants.”

“Have any of your patients ever mentioned you’re a bit bossy?” she asked, selecting the glass of juice.

“Occasionally. Usually they’re the stubborn ones who ignore my advice and inevitably wind up needing longer to recover,” Tariq said.

“Besides, you already agreed to let us take care of you.” Sulat slid his hands down to her shoulders in a slow caress as he lowered his mouth to her ear. “You know what I want to hear.”

She shivered, her next breath coming with a soft gasp. “I…”

Tariq dropped to his knees at her feet, his hands resting on her thighs. “Let us do this for you, Jody.”

She looked up at him and then down at Tariq, eyes wide, her entire body trembling now. “If I say yes. What happens?”

“Anything you want,” Tariq told her.

“All you have to do is say yes.”

Jody closed her eyes and blew out a long, soft breath. “Yes.”

“Come with me.” Tariq rose to his feet looking like a male reborn. Sulat hadn’t seen this side of his anrik in far too long. Confident. Eager. Happy. It was good to see him this way.

“Where are we going?” Jody asked, her voice softer than normal.

“To see to your needs,” Tariq said and then lifted her high enough he could kiss her, cutting off any more questions.

“Shower or bed?” Tariq sent the question through their link.

“Shower first. Our blossom needs more time to unwind. Can you feel how tense she is?”

“I can. How do humans cope without nanotech to help them manage bio-chemical responses?”

“I suspect they’re even more stubborn than you are,” Sulat said.

Tariq set Jody down once they reached the main bathing room. Like the rest of the house, it was a large, airy space with a shower large enough to accommodate a full-grown male Vardarian with their wings stretched out or several of them if they kept their wings furled.

Jody took a quick glance around and then looked straight at him. Sulat felt the heat in her gray-eyed gaze flowing over him like molten silver. Qarf, she was beautiful.

The tip of her tongue darted out to wet her lower lip, making him think of what it would be like when she had his cock in her mouth and that tongue was stroking his shaft. Not yet. They had promises to keep.

They moved toward her at the same time, taking up position on either side.

“Undress him,” Sulat instructed as he pointed at Tariq.

Jody looked like she’d been offered a plate full of cookies. “Yes.”

Sulat stood and watched as she put her soft hands on his anrik, stroking him as she worked out how to unfasten the clasp on his top. Once her hands were busy, he reached in and began undoing the buttons on her shirt. With each glimpse of her bare skin, he moved faster until he finally gave up and tore away the last few fastenings with one tug.

“Hey! I barely have any clothing left as it is,” Jody protested.

“We’ll buy you new ones… Vardarian outfits designed for easy access.” He freed her of the shirt one arm at a time and tossed it aside. “No more buttons.”