Page 28 of Her Alien Healers

Tariq guided her to an open area where he could see anyone who approached. He kept one arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders, and his free hand rested on the pommel of his dagger. She’d always assumed the weapons were ceremonial. Apparently they served a more practical function, too.

“He’s inside,” Tariq said, his voice soft. “No one else appears to be there. He’s going room to room to be sure.”

“Did they damage anything?” Not that she had many possessions. The house had come with basic, practical furnishings. She’d only had time to add a few personal touches to the place.

“I’m sorry, zurya. They appear to have used more of that acidic compound to destroy the interior. Sulat doesn’t think much can be salvaged.”

She swallowed hard, not sure if the lump in her throat was due to anger or grief. “If it’s safe for him, could he please look under my bed? I have a metal box stored there. Inside it are the only things that really matter to me.” A stash of hard currency chips for emergencies. A few family keepsakes. A lock of Jacob’s hair from his first haircut.

“Of course.” Tariq relayed her request. She leaned into the solid support of Tariq’s side as she waited for more news. He held her close, even extending one of his wings to shield her back. It helped.

A few minutes later he exhaled softly and squeezed her shoulders. “He has it and there’s no serious damage. Your things are safe.”

She sagged in relief. That box had traveled with her for decades, full of keepsakes and memories she treasured. “Thank you. And thank Sulat.”

“He’s on his way out, now.”

Tariq leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sure you’ve seen enough of Yarden today, but I’ve sent him a message. He needs to know what has happened.”

“Of course he does. I just hope he doesn’t ask all those questions again. It’s not like my answers have changed since the last time we talked.”

It had been a long day already, and it wasn’t even noon yet. First the clinic, now this. How many other places had they hit? Yardan would know. This time, she had a few questions for him, too.

They only stayed long enough for Yardan to inspect the damage. Jody accompanied him, getting her first look at what remained of her home. They had dumped her furnishings into piles and doused them in acid, destroying everything. Glyphs appeared on all the walls, some etched, others obviously hand-painted in azure blue, the Vardarian color of mourning.

“They certainly weren’t trying to be subtle,” Yardan commented at one point as he shifted his wings to keep them far away from another pile of ruined furnishings.

His mahaya, Skye, cleared her throat pointedly, and the spymaster winced before looking at her. “I’m sorry, Dr. Clark. That was thoughtless of me. This is your home.”

“I understand. While this is personal for me, you need to stay detached so you can see the bigger picture.”

The cyborg female rolled her eyes. “That’s what he claims. I still think he can do his job and be nice at the same time.”

Yardan looked over at Sulat and Tariq. “Females,” he said with a hint of a grin. “I will never understand them.”

Jody managed to gather up several undamaged items of clothing from a closet the vandals must have missed. She stuffed them into a bag, happy to at least have a change of clothing left to her name. Everything else could be replaced. That only left one question. Where was she sleeping tonight?

“For security reasons, do you think I should move into the palace?” she asked the group.

Tariq fixed her with a stern look, and Sulat actually growled. “You will not stay at the palace,” Sulat said.

“You are coming home with us,” Tariq stated.

The offer came as a shock. “Uh. I am?”

Skye’s gaze moved from Tariq, to Sulat, to her, a smile growing on her face. “I know that tone. Probably best not to argue with them on this one, Dr. Clark. You won’t win.”

“And the palace isn’t as safe as it should be,” Yardan said.

Everyone turned to look at him, expecting more information.

“It’s a theory, but I have my suspicions. I’d rather you weren’t inside the palace walls right now.” He gestured around them. “This could be a ploy to create enough concern that we moved you to the safest place on the planet.”

She caught on immediately. “They’re hoping I run straight to Phaedra’s hiding place. It makes sense. Not only would I be safe there, but with the princess’s due date coming up, it’s logical I join her soon.”


Jody straightened her spine and nodded once. “If that’s what they want, then fraxx them. I’m not giving them what they want.”