Page 26 of Her Alien Healers

He flicked two fingers up in an obscene gesture toward his anrik but directed his response to the AI. “Rae, please open the door for Spymaster Yardan.”

“Of course. If you take him to the break room, I believe Dr. Clark is preparing a snack and beverages.”

“Cookies, no doubt,” Sulat said. “I’ll give her a hand.”

“You do that.” He turned and walked down the corridor. “Rae, please access my personal replicator files and have it create a batch of my favorites to go with the ones Dr. Clark is making.”

There was a brief pause before Rae answered, which was unusual. “I took the liberty of copying that recipe over to her files a few minutes ago. I thought you would want her to have access to such things.”

He almost tripped over his own feet. “You thought…” He set out again, only a few meters from the door now. “Is that your way of saying you approve of Dr. Clark—of Jody?”

“I am a machine intelligence with no opinion on such matters. Emotions are not part of my programming.”

He had his own thoughts on that. Raenia had imbued the AI with more of her personality than anyone thought was possible… or permissible. If the AI approved? It was as close as he could ever come to having their mahaya’s blessing.

Before he could process anything further, the door opened and the prince’s personal spymaster stepped through. The male filled the hall with his presence in a way few others could.

“This day has barely started and I’m already unhappy with the way it’s progressing. This wasn’t the Liq’za’s only target. The Bar None, Earthly Delights, and several other businesses owned or operated by humans were targeted.”

“Businesses but not their homes?”

Yardan scowled. “No homes. Not yet. But I’m expecting things to escalate over the next while. I have theories, but this is not the place to discuss them.”

The big male glanced down the hall. “How is Dr. Clark handling this?”

“Furious and ready to fight,” Tariq said.

“Good. So far, all the humans have reacted that way.” Yardan’s face cracked into a rare smile. “These Liq’za have no idea who they’re messing with. The humans continue to surprise me. They are almost as fierce as Vardarians.”

“So I am discovering.”

Yardan actually grinned. “I noticed. Or did you think I missed your rumpled clothes and the fact her scent is all over you?”

“That is none of your business, Spymaster. Go use your powers of observation on someone else.” Tariq waved him down the corridor. “She’s in the breakroom with Sulat.”

With a nod, Yardan headed in the indicated direction. As he passed by, he murmured softly. “Keep her close, Healer, and be careful who you trust.”

As the spymaster’s warning sank in, a fire kindled deep in Tariq’s chest. He hadn’t felt it since the day Raenia died. He would protect Jody from the coming storm for one simple reason. She may not be his mahaya, but she was something equally important.

She was his. How that could be didn’t matter. He knew in his heart it was the truth.


How could a day be simultaneously one of her worst and one of her best? It boggled her mind, but that didn’t change the facts. Yes, she was the target of a xenophobic secret society, but she’d also found herself in both Sulat and Tariq’s arms and shared kisses that had set her soul on fire.

Even the hours-long interview with the prince’s spymaster hadn’t been much of a strain. The male had asked questions about her every move and experience for the last few weeks, asking her to recall details that had already faded. She wasn’t sure why he needed half of the information he’d asked for, but she trusted there was a reason.

Tariq and Sulat had stayed by her side the entire time, only stepping away to refill drinks or speak to Rae about rebooking patients or transferring them to another healer’s roster.

She’d sent a quick message to Lores, telling her friend to stay home today and not to go out alone. A longer explanation would have to wait, though Jody was certain that by the time she got in touch again, Lores would know what happened. Haven might be unique in some ways, but gossip was still the fastest form of communication in the colony.

To her surprise, both Sulat and Tariq stayed with her after Yardan departed. Once it was clear they weren’t leaving, she asked the obvious question. “Don’t you both have things to do today? Patients to see, research to do, errands to run?”

“Not today,” Sulat said.

“If you’re worried about me, I’m touched. Really.” She placed a hand over her heart in a gesture of gratitude. “I’ve been on my own a long time, and I’m used to having to take care of myself. I’ll be fine.”

“Yes, you will because we’re not leaving your side until you are safe at home,” Tariq said.