Page 24 of Her Alien Healers

Tariq tipped his head and looked down at her as if judging her worth, though she saw a surprising twinkle in his green eyes. “Are you a devotee, or simply a dabbler like this one?” He jerked his thumb toward Sulat. “Because dabblers do not get the best of my stash.”

“Sulat, is this true?” She shot him a look of dramatic disappointment, enjoying the moment of lighthearted banter despite the circumstances. “How could you not appreciate the delicious artistry of a properly made cookie?”

He laughed as he answered. “I am clearly an imperfect male. One who hopes you will overlook his flaws.”

“I’ll consider it after we discuss your feelings about chocolate. But that’s a conversation for another time.”

Tariq gestured for her to follow him. “I think this day requires both cookies and coffee. Come with me.”

“We’re going to sit and have coffee? What about the clinic? The threat?”

Sulat tapped a spot behind his ear. “We’ve heard from Spymaster Yardan. He’s on his way and has a contingent of palace guards with him. For now, he’d like us to stay put. He has questions for you, and I imagine he intends to assign you a protection detail.”

“How can I do my job with guards standing around all day? They’ll intimidate my patients and get in my way.”

Both males smiled sympathetically.

“Spoken like a true healer,” Tariq said.

“If it makes you feel any better, he’ll probably do the same to us,” Sulat added.

“Oh no. Have you been threatened, too?” she asked.

“Not yet, but I assume it’s only a matter of time.” Tariq lifted one wing in a shrug. “They won’t stop until they accomplish their goals, or they’re caught and executed for their actions.”

“Normally I am opposed to capital punishment, but I’d make an exception in this case. Threatening a mother’s and child’s lives because of their genetics is obscene.”

“You’ll hear no argument from us.” Sulat moved past them. “But no more discussion until after I have a hot cup of kabari in my hands. This morning started much too early for my liking.”

“Excuse him,” Tariq said with fond amusement. “My anrik doesn’t function well until closer to midday.”

“Because mornings are horrible things that should be outlawed across the known worlds,” Sulat called back just before moving out of sight.

Jody turned to Tariq, determined to say the right thing even if this wasn’t the right time. “I’m sorry.”

“Why? This wasn’t your fault. This is the Liq’za’s doing.”

“Oh, no. I’m not talking about this morning. I meant I’m sorry I caused problems between the two of you. I… I heard about the fight.”

“Ah.” Tariq’s expression turned rueful as he moved closer. “Whatever you heard, it was no doubt exaggerated. Sulat and I have always worked out our differences that way.”

The questions popped out before she could stop herself. “You have? Why, in the name of gravity, would you do that?”

“If she were here, Raenia would tell you it’s because we’re stubborn, foolish males.”

“If your mahaya were here, the two of you wouldn’t be fighting. That’s the problem. Isn’t it? My behavior instigated Sulat’s kiss, and you didn’t approve. I respect your decision, Tariq. I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

Tariq growled low in his throat.

She stepped backward, but he caught her wrist and gripped it.

“No. You are not to blame. In fact, I owe you an apology for my actions. I was, and still am, coming to terms with some aspects of Raenia’s death.”

He bowed his head, and for a moment she saw behind the mask he wore. Traces of sadness drew down the corners of his mouth, but the haunted look in his eyes caught her attention.

She knew that look. It was the one she saw in the mirror every time she lost a patient. The doubt, regret, and constant questioning. Had she done all she could? What could she have done better?

She covered his hand with her free one and squeezed, offering silent support. In the moment that followed, her own regret and worries about the damage she thought she’d done to the two males’ friendship fell away.