Page 56 of The Imperial

That shut me up, though I still didn’t like it. He was right though, because I didn’t go, though I heard about it later. It was contentious to say the least, and it would have pissed me off. I heard that my parents got into a huge argument. My father was angry because he felt Tariq had “hidden” things from him. Worst of all, he said Blake had too, and he never would have assigned Tariq as my bodyguard if he’d known.

He was mad at me as well, and my behavior, which he called deplorable and out of control, At one point, he said, “Colonel Tariq, if Rakkur gives you even half as much trouble as my consort has given me since I’ve known him, you have my permission to lock him up. I should have done it a long time ago.” Then he gave my omak a furious look. “It might not be too late to remedy that situation.”

Omak stood up then, and in a voice dripping with ice, he’d said, “Go ahead and try it. See what happens.” He left then, slamming the door viciously behind him.

An awkward silence ensued. Father waited for almost a full minute before he followed him out and after that, Mikos started running things. It all calmed down a little then as the topic of conversation shifted to the investigation of Major Bonnos.

Mikos said that it appeared that Bonnos had been radicalized at some point, perhaps even during his long duty assignment on Earth, the one from which he’d just returned before coming on this trip. It was still unclear, but like many others before him, they thought he’d been approached by rebel operatives and gradually turned over time. Bannos had a large amount of debt, due to his mate’s gambling addiction, and it was possible that when he was offered a large and life-changing sum of money to assassinate a member of the royal family, he simply couldn’t resist.

But who had been behind it all and why me in particular? His antipathy toward mixed children, whom he’d once called pardo in front of Tariq, might have entered into it. Unfortunately, Tygeria and my family were unpopular with many people, in many parts of the galaxy, and numerous rebel forces and secret societies existed. It was one reason the Imperial Guards had been formed in the first place. Up until now, they’d been considered incorruptible.

It was still a mystery and the only one who knew for sure—Major Bonnos—was dead. But most likely, it had been a matter of convenience. Bonnos had arrived back on Tygeria and was assigned to the same ship as the one I was traveling on to Loros. A remarkable coincidence or something that had been carefully planned? It was hard to say, but the opportunity was simply too good a chance to pass up. I’d thwarted his plan by not being where I was supposed to be when he’d sabotaged the lights in my room. And by having a protector who was willing to do whatever it took to save me.

When Blake came to the Lorian palace, Bonnos must have thought it was his opportunity at last, and he might be able to kill two birds with one stone, but once again, we didn’t act the way he thought we would. He had hoped to catch us separately, but by working together, we managed to stop him. That and my omak’s decision to start carrying a disruptor after a few too many close calls in his life.

General Haggos, in charge of the Imperials, had launched a deeper investigation into the matter, but it might take some time to sort through it all. He had vowed to search for any other traitors who might have infiltrated the Imperials and corrupted its ranks.

Tariq and I were married a few days later in Mikol and Kalen’s private apartment, with just the family in attendance. Father kept his arm around Omak’s waist the whole time, but I thought not everything was quite forgiven yet on Omak’s side of things. I was worried until he gave me a little wink when Father wasn’t looking, and I knew he had things under control.

One night, about a week after our wedding, Tariq and I were lying in bed together. I was feeling pleasantly tired from my husband’s attentions, and I was almost dozing off, when I heard him sigh. It was a little too heartfelt for me not to be nosy about it, so I asked him.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing. Go to sleep.”

“No, tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing nobyo. Not really. I was just wondering where we’re going to live once we get back home. I don’t particularly relish living in the palace, but I don’t want to live in my parents’ old place either.”

“I didn’t know you still owned that.”

“Yes. I inherited it, though I never lived there. Too many bad memories.”

“We could sell it then and find our own home. If you wanted to. My father used to live out in the country when he first met Omak. With proper security, it should be fine.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“I have them sometimes.”

He sat up in bed and stared down at me for a long moment, like he had more on his mind. I was beginning to know that stern look on his face by now. He still wasn’t used to being with me like this, and he didn’t trust being happy. He hadn’t had much happiness in his life up to now, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it.

“Listen,” he said, in a gruff voice. “If we’re going to be mates, we have to get a few things straight between us.”

“If we’re going to be mates?”

“You know what I mean.”

“All right. This ought to be good. Tell me what you’re talking about.”

“I can’t promise I’ll be easy to live with. I’ll try, but I’m making no promises, do you hear?” He swung his legs over the side of the bed and got to his feet, pacing nervously by the bed. He was so obviously trying to put distance between us.

“I still don’t want a mate. Not a full time, every night, rest-of-my-life kind of mate anyway, like you’re going to be.”

“I see. Well, I’m not going anywhere, so what do you propose we do about that?”

“Just don’t get in my way, that’s all. And don’t think I’m going to be kissing you all the time, and making love to you, because I’m not. Probably not. I might go a few days at a time. Or a day or so anyway. Because…because I’m busy and I have responsibilities to the Guard. I’ll probably be distracted sometimes and if I am, you’ll just have to live with it.”

“Oh, really? And do I have any say at all in this?”