Page 47 of The Imperial

“If semen containing sperm gets on your entrance, near or on top of the opening, sperm cells have what’s called motility. In other words, they can swim.”

“No way.”

“Yes. Way…it’s called ‘progressive motility,’ and though rare, it’s more common than most people think. It has been known to cause pregnancy. Which is why your father and I told you never to fool around with anyone other than your intended mate. Not ever.” He got to his feet and began to pace. “And you were right,” he said, stopping to shake his head at me. “This wasn’t his fault. This is all on you.”

Chapter Thirteen

“But the real question is, what do I do now?”

“No, Rakkur, that’s not a question at all. You get married to Colonel Tariq, of course. What other option did you think you’d have?”

“No. He won’t do it. And I won’t marry a man who doesn’t want me. I won’t, Omak, so you can stop frowning at me. He doesn’t want to marry me, even though we’re bonded. He still has feelings for his deceased husband, and I’m not trying to compete with those.”

“Then he can have those feelings while he’s married to you. And he will marry you.”

“Omak, I don’t want you to force him.”

He sat down beside me and cupped his hand around my face. “Oh sweetheart, there is absolutely no other option.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead and got to his feet. “I need to speak to Mikol right away about a wedding. Tonight, if we can do it, but definitely by tomorrow. I just have to figure out a way to soothe any ruffled feathers King Edam might have.”

“That’s not your only problem, because I’m telling you I won’t do this. As for King Edam, we didn’t hit it off, by the way,” I said. “When he killed that poor huckabee thing, that was the last straw for me.”

“It’s a hirkabuck, I believe,” Blake said. “A type of game they hunt on Loros. I don’t like hunting,” Blake said. “It’s only a sport if the animals have guns too.”

“Well, anyway, I’m not the least bit interested in him. Or in marrying Tariq. I won’t do it.”

“You’re not listening to me, because you’ll be married by this time tomorrow. Mikol can get us a special license.”

“What?” I said, feeling desperate. “No. Listen to me. This is not your decision.”

He looked at me in astonishment. “You can’t be serious. Do you actually think your father will allow you to just ‘decide’ whether you’ll get married or not? I’ve sent for him and he’s on his way.”

I groaned and put my head in my hands.

“All things considered, especially Davos’s temper, it will be best if you’re married by the time he gets here. I’m sorry, but I’ve tried to make it clear to you all your life that you’re not a private person. Your actions have consequences, and you’ve just run up against a huge one.”

He strode over to the door and opened it to speak to the guards. “Get Prince Mikol up here for me. Tell him it’s urgent, please. Oh, and tell Mikol to get Colonel Tariq up to Rakkur’s room. We need to talk.”

I covered my face with my hands. “Do we have to do this? He’ll feel like he’s being ambushed. He doesn’t even know about any of this.”

“Oh, I think he knows about some of it.”

“You don’t understand. Why won’t you listen to me?”

I got up a little too fast and swayed with dizziness. Omak came immediately to put an arm around me. “Poor baby. I remember those first days well. They should pass soon enough, or the doctors can give you something to help.”

“If the nausea would only stop. I’d be much better. It’s so bad.”

“I know, honey.” He dug in his pocket for something and handed a few wrapped up little candies to me. “Here, suck on one of these. They’re ginger and they help a lot. I brought some.”

“You did? For me? But how did you know?”

“I didn’t. Not about you, but I thought as long as I was coming, I’d have a word with Kalen, and maybe he might need them later.”

I sighed. “Omak, I don’t think Kalen is ready for children. He may never be.”

He shrugged. “You never know.”

“I’m not ready either.”