Page 23 of The Imperial

He looked relieved. “Why? Has something happened?”

“No, of course nothing has happened. We’ve decided…the prince has decided…that he’d be happier with someone else. That’s all.”

“But I don’t understand… The king...”

“It’s not necessary that you understand, Major. Just do as you’re told. And I’ll send a message informing the king.” With that, I turned on my heel and went back down the corridor to my room, banging the door harder behind me than I meant to when I went inside. I hoped the prince had been sleeping. I hoped it made him fall out of his bunk right onto his little bottom.

I threw myself in the nearest chair and buried my head in my hands, banishing images of his delectable bottom from my head. Now I had to send a message to the king, and I had no idea what I was going to say. I couldn’t even fathom what I could possibly tell him in a message.

Maybe something like—

I know you gave me this wonderful opportunity for service, but it doesn’t suit me, so I’m throwing it right back in your face.

Or maybe—

Your impossible son has made the decision to dismiss me and it’s a good thing, because if I stayed around him for much longer, I couldn’t be responsible for what might happen to him, but it wouldn’t be anything good.

Or perhaps I’d keep it simple—

Your Majesty, I must submit my resignation, effective immediately.

It seemed to me that any one of those messages was just about as good as another. I just had to decide which one to send.



I’d heard the door bang closed next to me earlier, though now it was completely silent again. Was Tariq upset? Agitated? Good. I sincerely hoped he was just as miserable as I was. I wondered for a moment if he’d found a replacement for my bodyguard, but I didn’t have long to wait to find out. A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door and a tall, frowning Tygerian stood there.

He bowed to me very formally, saying, “Your Highness, my name is Major Bonnos, and Colonel Tariq has informed me of my new duties as your guard. He said he will be informing your father of the change.”

“Well, that was quick.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Very well. I won’t require your services any more this evening. I’ll be here in my room. So, I guess I’ll see you in the morning for first meal?”

“Yes, sir. Would you prefer to go early or later in the morning?”

“Early is fine. Maybe we could go to the workout room first though, or I think you call it a weights room—and then afterward I could eat first meal?”

“Whatever you say, Your Highness.”

“Good evening then.”

He gave me another curt bow and left, and I closed the door. I hoped Tariq had heard every word. I’d tried to speak loudly enough that he could.

I wondered if I should use my communicator to send a message to my parents while we were still in range, but before I could decide, another knock came on my door. I opened it to see Tariq. His face was flushed and stiff with anger, and he wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“I’ve had a message from the king. He wants to speak to us both. We have to go on the comm deck to take the call.”

“Oh. All right then. Should I call Major Bonnos?”

He shot me a look that should have taken the skin off my face. “That’s not necessary. Unless you prefer it. I’m perfectly capable of accompanying you on the way up to the comm deck.”

“Yes, that’s fine. I’m happy to go with you.” I stepped out into the corridor. “Will you give me your arm?”

I didn’t need his arm, but it was an excuse to touch him. He looked a bit surprised but held his arm out stiffly for me to take it, and we walked down the corridor to the lift in complete silence. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and spoke up.