Page 42 of The Imperial

“Yes, of course.”

“Good then, that’s settled,” Kalen said. “I haven’t hunted with a bow in a long time, so I’m looking forward to it.”

“Excellent.” The king scooted back his chair and rose to his feet. A group at the next table did the same, and I realized they were his servants or whatever. As for the king, he wasn’t quite as tall as I’d thought he was. Too bad. He was hardly taller than Rakkur, who was short, in my opinion. He made up for it in the way he looked, but unfortunately for the king, he wasn’t nearly as good looking.

“I’ll say goodnight then, as we’ll get an early start in the morning.” He took Rakkur’s hand in his and kissed the back of it, looking soulfully down into his eyes. Rakkur’s cheeks turned pink again, and I repressed the urge to snatch his hand away, but only with difficulty. “Goodnight, then, my dear,” Edam said, and sailed off with his entourage following. One red-haired man in particular, his valet perhaps, was straightening his collar and gave Rakkur a dark look.

After the king left, no one said anything for a few moments and then Rakkur got to his feet. “I should be going to bed too, I guess, since I haven’t been feeling well. I’ll need a good night’s sleep.”

“Dress warmly in the morning,” Kalen said. “I have a fur you can wear, with a hat and gloves. I’ll send it along with the servant who comes to wake you in the morning. The temperature here can get quite a bit colder than on Tygeria.”

“Thank you, Kalen. And thanks for inviting me.”

“I hope you’ll enjoy it,” he said, and punched Mikol again when he laughed. “What? He could, you know. Some people enjoy other sports than just bashing other people with swords and axes.”

“By all means,” Mikol said. “I’m sure you’ll all have a wonderful time. Oh, and Tariq, I’ll send along a coat for you too. I’ve had to have some made for myself that should fit you.”

“Tariq? Oh. Are you going too?” Rakkur asked, looking surprised.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” I said, and took the prince’s arm to lead him out of the reception hall.

Chapter Twelve


It was just after first light when I stood looking out the window at the cold morning on Loros. I could hear the wind whistling around the building, and I hugged the fur coat Kalen had sent me closer around me. I was determined not to throw up again, like I had when I first woke up, and I hoped I’d gotten it out of my system. I didn’t have a fever, and I felt all right other than the nausea, but it was persistent, and I wondered what in the world could be causing it.

I’d have to talk to a doctor soon if this nausea was still here in the morning and let him check my pills to make sure they weren’t causing this. They were hormones, after all, and I knew they could cause a bit of stomach upset. That was usually right after someone started them though, and I’d been taking them a long time.

It wasn’t like I could be pregnant—I hadn’t been having sex. Not really. An image came to me of Tariq when he was in partial shift, stroking me with his big hand and a pearly drop of my pre-come poised on the tip of my cock. Of me putting my legs around his waist and making him slide his big cock over my entrance. He had gasped and tried to pull away, but I shoved my ass back onto him, impaling myself a bit on the tip and humping him.

I could feel my face burning. But I’d never been penetrated other than just the tip going inside for a moment, so I couldn’t be pregnant. He had never come inside me. I laid my forehead against the cold glass and tried to will the nausea away by taking deep breaths. This had to be something else.

A knock came and I opened the door to Tariq, who was wearing a fur jacket similar to mine and a fur hat. He looked so handsome, but even grouchier than usual. “Are you ready, Rakkur? I warn you, it’s cold outside and likely will be until their sun makes an appearance. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, and that’s why I’m wearing my coat and hat too. I’ll be fine.” My coat was made of rich, black fur and was very soft, so I wouldn’t feel the cold, or not much anyway. I had a matching hat that I pulled low over my ears. “I’m ready when you are.”

We went downstairs to meet the rest of our party. King Edam came over to me at once and gave me a brief hug. I was glad it was brief, because of the look Tariq gave him. I thought Tariq needed to lighten up some—after all, I was here to meet this king with an eye toward possible matrimony. Surely, it was all right if the man touched me occasionally.

“I have the hovercraft outside. I thought you could ride with me, Edam said.”

I gave him a look. “I’m perfectly capable of driving my own hover, sir. I’m not helpless.”

Edam flushed and glanced over at one of the people he’d brought with him. I’d noticed the man the night before at the reception. He was sharp-featured and had red hair. He leaned in to whisper something in Edam’s ear.

Edam then turned back to me. “Of course, Prince Rakkur, whatever you like. I’m sure some of my men can double up. Clano, my valet, can ride with me, can’t you, Clano?”

“Do you have enough for Colonel Tariq as well? My parents have insisted he accompany me at all times. I’m sure you understand.”

Edam bowed graciously but I thought I saw a little irritation in the expression on his face. Kalen had joined us by that time, so we all went to get on the hovercraft—there were more than three times as many guards as us—but we soon got sorted out and got on our way.

Thankfully, it wasn’t far out into the forest, and once we cleared the city limits, it took only about twenty minutes to find the tall trees and another ten to get to where the stand was located. It was really more of an enclosed hut-like structure built halfway up the side of a large tree, probably about twenty or thirty feet high. There was another one next to it on a nearby tree. Each of them had ladders leading up inside the little huts, and we had to climb the ladders to get up there.

Tariq went behind me, which I was glad of, because I didn’t like heights very much. By the time we were settled, it was full daylight, though the sunlight was a little weak here, and a light fog was drifting over the forest floor. The inside of the tiny hut was cold and damp. Edam and I, along with a few of Edam’s guards, were in one of the stands and Kalen and more of his guards were in the other. It was close enough to talk, but when I tried, I was quickly informed by Edam that I needed to be quiet, so as not to scare away any of the hirkabucks who might be loitering in the area.

I rolled my eyes…after he turned his back. I didn’t think my father would like it if I antagonized him.

I was still cold, and when I looked over the little window ledge to the ground below, I’d felt so dizzy I had to look away. Worst of all, I was bored silly, and there was absolutely nothing to do. Nothing. I decided then and there I wasn’t much of a hunter and got out my communicator to play a game. I kept the volume off and everything, but I still got a disgusted look from Edam.