Page 33 of The Imperial

“Most of the benefit would be on the Myr side, I think. They’re facing an invasion by the Pton, just like Loros is, so they’ll need our help. In return, he’s offering to let us station troops on the planet and help secure the planet’s assets.”

“Let us?” I said, interrupting their conversation. “We can do that anyway if we liked.”

Kalen laughed beside me. “And there it is—you look totally human, but I’ve heard it said that you’re a lot like your other father too. I hadn’t noticed until just now.”

Mikol pulled his husband into his arms to whisper in his ear and then kiss him, as Tariq and I stood by, feeling awkward. Well, I did anyway. I doubt it Tariq ever felt awkward in his life, socially or otherwise.

“I just meant that his planet was conquered by the Axis,” I said, trying to explain. “He can’t expect to dictate terms.”

“I don’t think he would,” Mikol replied. ‘I believe he wants us to establish a base on Myr to help protect against the Pton. Like we’re doing here.”

The Pton were from a spiral galaxy, a far distance away. In fact, a couple billion light years away, but Tygeria had intelligence that their forces were headed our way with the intention to invade and destroy Axis territories and even Tygeria itself. An advance group had already made themselves known on Loros by disguising themselves as pirates and attacking ships in the area. They hadn’t been seen lately, according to reports, and little was known about them, except for how violent they were. They were rumored to destroy everything in their path, leaving a wake of conquered planets that had been turned into little more than wastelands.

“Their king doesn’t have to marry me to seek Tygeria’s aid in stopping them.”

“No, but it makes any alliance stronger, or at least it does in his mind. It won’t hurt anything to meet the king and make up your own mind about it. Grandfather only said Edam was suitable to be considered for a marriage contract, not that he expected one, or even necessarily wanted one. As a younger son, a political marriage is always desirable, but not required. And besides, I imagine Blake doesn’t like the idea too much. Always one of the deciding factors.”

Kalen leaned around Mikol and smiled at Rakkur. “And I think your omak may prefer someone much closer to Tygeria. Myr is even farther away from your home than Loros.”

I nodded. “Yes, I think he might.”

“The king will be here by tomorrow, at any rate, and then you can meet him and decide for yourself if you’re interested,” Mikol said. “I’ve planned a reception for him.”

“But first we need to get you outfitted with some new clothes,” Kalen said. “I have things you can wear in the meantime. I think we’re nearly the same size.”

Mikol turned to look back at Colonel Tariq. “Have they figured out what caused the fire onboard yet?”

“Faulty wiring, Your Highness. That section of the ship was recently refurbished. His Majesty isn’t completely satisfied with that answer, considering how dire the consequences might have been, however.”

“I expect not. Keep me informed, please.”

“Of course, sir.”

“Now, let’s get you both settled in. Colonel Tariq, I’ve given you and Rakkur rooms along the same hallway.”

They led us upstairs to the guest rooms on an upper floor. I’d been inside the palace once before, when we’d come to rescue Mikol, though never upstairs in the family quarters. The lighting was dim and came from sconces on the walls, but there was some kind of power source running them, and that looked modern enough, though the rest of the architecture looked pretty old.

Mikol stopped in front of a wide door about midway down the hall and motioned toward it. “This room will be yours, Rakkur, and Colonel, your room is just there, two doors down. I’ll have guards stationed at either end of the hall, so you shouldn’t be disturbed. If you are, I’d like to hear about it.”

“Thank you, Mikol,” I said. “This will be fine.”

“Would you like to rest now or go with Kalen to find some clothes and things you might need?”

“I’d like to go with Kalen, if he doesn’t mind. I’m not tired at all.”

“Good. Colonel, why don’t you come with me and have a drink. We need to catch up.”

“Well, I…”

“Come on. It’s been a long time.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Kalen nodded for me to follow him, and I turned my back on Tariq and walked away with him. I was a little surprised at how very much I didn’t like being parted from Tariq. But I probably should get used to it. Our time together was probably coming to an end.

Chapter Ten
