Page 27 of The Imperial

“Then why are you sitting all the way over there? Come sit here next to me, so no one can overhear us.”

“If what you need to say is private, then we should go somewhere that’s actually private.”

“But I’m eating now.”

“Then you shouldn’t talk with your mouth full. My omak taught me that, and I’m sure yours did too.”

“Oh yes, yours was human, too, wasn’t he? What’s his name?”

“Why do you need that information?”

“I don’t need it, but I want to know.”

“His name was Kaden.”

“Where’s he from? On Earth, I mean.”

“Sand Frisco, I think.”

“‘San Francisco’ is how you say it,” he informed me, sounding it out slowly, like I was an idiot. I shrugged, because I really didn’t care. What difference did it make? My omak had been dead for a few years, and he wasn’t coming back.

“San Francisco is a big city. I think they call it ‘Minnoz City’ now, after some Tygerian general. Have you been there?”


“Would you like to go?”


“Why not?”

“The better question is, why would I?”

“Because it might have been important to your omak. Didn’t you love your omak?”

“Why are we having this conversation?”

“Just answer the question. I’m trying to get to know you.”

“It’s not necessary for you to ‘know’ me, Rakkur. I’ll be leaving you in Loros, and you won’t be seeing me again.”

“In the meantime, I like to know the people I’m forced to be with. Answer my question.”

“Yes, Rakkur. I had the same, normal feelings that anyone has for their omak. Now please change the subject.”

“But we’re getting to know each other. You can ask me anything you like. Go ahead. Ask me something.”

“I know everything I need to know.”

He gave me a blistering glare. I was getting so used to them by now, they barely registered.

“I think you’re just mad at me. Don’t you want to know what I’ve been thinking about? It concerns you.”

“Then tell me.”

“Well,” he said, leaning conspiratorially toward me, “as you know, I’m on my way to meet a king for the possibility of a marriage contract.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”