“That’s your version of the story, is it? That I betrayed you? I have a different one.”
“I’m sure you probably do. But I don’t want to talk about that night again. I’m going to keep you and fuck you whenever I want, but it won’t—it won’t mean I still care about you. Do you understand? These feelings are purely biological. I’ve been at sea a long time.”
Brandon must not have been able to help the sigh that escaped him. “I understand what you’re saying. Don’t worry about it. I don’t have any tender feelings for you either.”
I was a little surprised at how much that stung.
“Oh. Well, good.”
“I’ll never stop trying to escape you, Roxbury,” he said. “I’d rather die than be your captive.”
I smiled. “You might get your wish in time. But you’ll be mine, all right. Make no mistake about it. Are you saying you don’t want me to fuck you? Because I won’t force myself on you, no matter my feelings.”
“Whether or not you care about me means nothing to me,” he said defiantly, his eyes glittered at me as bright as dragon fire. “I’ll keep trying to escape and, in the meantime, like you said, whatever we do together is purely biological. Why not satisfy an itch?”
I gave him a wicked grin. “Why not indeed? By the way, thanks for the warning about trying to escape. Maybe I should keep you in chains. The thought does appeal to me, and it would keep you from running.”
“Do your worst. It’s what I’d expect from you, anyway.”
“I don’t know how long I’ll keep you, though. I won’t be able to resist knotting you much longer. I definitely won’t be able to wait too long once I fuck you.”
“I’d kill you first, but you can try.” He gave a short, humorless laugh, but his eyes were cold as he glanced up at me. “I assumed you were joking about all that.”
“Oh no. I’d love to give you my knot and listen to you scream, dearie. After all, you’re so beautiful. This beautiful, lying mouth, for example.” He pressed his lips against it gently. “And this sweet little nose.” I brushed my lips across Brandon’s nose, and he flinched backward. “I loved you once.” I smiled bitterly. “I’ll never let that happen to me again.”
I pushed Brandon away and lifted him out of the pool and put him on the edge, so his legs were dangling over the side. I stood in front of him and looked down at him. Gods, he was beautiful. I’d never wanted anyone so badly in my life. I had sometimes dreamed of this, alone in my hammock onboard that first ship I was on, soon after I’d had to leave him. Dreamed of him with his legs open wide, offering up his thick, gorgeous cock to me.
I would take him because I couldn’t help myself. But I would take him only in lust, with no sweet words or love between us. And surely that was better than never having him again at all.
I touched him reverently. Brandon’s cock wasn’t as large as my own, or so I flattered myself, but it was thick and well-shaped with velvety skin, and it was pointed arrogantly upward. I ran my hand gently over the length of it, re-familiarizing myself with the sweet heft of it in my hands. Brandon put his head back and moaned softly.
I moved my hand up and down Brandon’s cock, slowly at first. I soon fell into a rhythm, enjoying watching Brandon’s back slowly arching up against his will, powerless to resist me, as his head fell back, and his breathing became labored. His hair was spread out over his shoulders, and his eyes were so tightly closed that his long lashes made smudges against his cheeks.
How was it possible to hate someone so much and want to make them suffer while at the same time loving them to the point of distraction? It was driving me mad. Nothing had ever felt like this before or after Brandon. No one had ever made me feel so out of control. I increased the pressure and the speed of my hand and now on each upward sweep, I ran my thumb over the sensitive head of Brandon’s cock, dipping gently into his slit before continuing down. He gasped for breath and tried to thrust upward. I moved my hand to his hip, holding him down with easy strength. He opened his eyes in surprise and looked directly into mine.
“I won’t last,” he said, a little note of panic in his voice. I smiled at him, holding his gaze.
“No, you won’t come unless I tell you to.”
Brandon’s blue eyes were wide and confused. He put his hands on my shoulders, holding on tightly, clenching and unclenching his hands and staring into my eyes. I smiled and jerked his ass out from the rocks where he sat, slipping a wet finger up inside him, crooking it, looking for the little bundle of nerves I knew would finish this. As I found it and swept my long finger over it, once and then again, Brandon jerked his hips and gave a loud shout.
“Now,” I said, and he came uncontrollably, spurting upward onto my stomach.
I leaned over him and bent him backward to the ground, kissing him and robbing him of breath. I swept my tongue inside his mouth, tasting the sweetness I’d lived without for so long and had thought I might never taste again. When breathing finally became necessary for both of us again, I reluctantly pulled away, biting none too gently at Brandon’s lower lip. I leaned away from him, my own cock aching for release. I had decided not to fuck him because I’d begun to fear I wouldn’t have the strength to control myself and not give him my knot. And I’d promised not to do that until he was healed. I wanted badly to turn him around and fuck him until he screamed, but if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to prevent myself from claiming him with my knot. I gripped my hands tightly into fists to hide them and kept them out of sight in the water of the pool, fighting desperately for control.
“Stroke yourself. I want you hard for me again.”
Brandon opened his eyes wide and put a trembling hand down to slowly stroke his cock, wincing a little. I remembered how unpleasant stimulation used to be for him after he’d just come. I didn’t care.
Brandon lifted those big blue eyes toward me, and my breath caught in my throat. Why did he have to be so handsome? The most beautiful things in the world were often the most deadly. There weren’t any snakes in this pool, for example, but I knew that snakes with the prettiest markings were often the deadliest ones.
“That’s enough. Just stop.”
“I can do this for you, if you want me to.”
“Maybe I can teach you a few things before your wedding night.”
“No,” he said, and it came out harsh. Yeah, I really didn’t want to talk about his omega fiancé either. So why had I brought it up? To torture myself? That sort of sounded like me.