Page 14 of Twelve of a Kind

“Yeah, I got one. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to meet the realtor to look at that space for the bakery.”

“I hope it’s everything you want, Zoe. I still wish you would have just stayed in Sacramento and opened a bakery here. This is where all your friends are. You don’t know anyone in Los Angeles.”

“I’ll be fine. It’s the new adventures of Zoey.” I smiled.

“Okay. Call me tomorrow and let me know how it goes.”

“I will. Talk to you soon.”

I sighed as I set my phone down and lay there with thoughts circling inside my head—new city, new apartment, no friends, and a bakery I needed to open. As I was sitting at the table running some numbers, my phone rang. When I glanced at it, I saw my mother was calling. Taking a deep breath, I answered it against my better judgment.


“Hello, Zoey. It’s been a while. How are you?”

“It’s been two months, Mom. I’m fine. And you?”

“I’m good. Ethan and I are heading to Sacramento for a few days. I thought we could meet up for lunch or dinner. You could bring that boyfriend of yours. What’s his name again?”

“His name is Quinton, and we broke up.”

“Oh. Well, then, it can just be the three of us.”

“I can’t, Mom. I’m sorry.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t live in Sacramento anymore. I live in Los Angeles now.”

“I see. When did that happen?”

“I just got here today,” I said.

“Were you ever going to tell me, Zoey?”

“Yeah, Mom. I was going to tell you. Things have been crazy busy, and I haven’t had a chance.”

“Did you get a job there?” she asked.

“Yeah, Mom,” I lied.

“Okay. I guess we won’t be seeing you when we come to Sacramento. I have to go. We’ll talk soon.”

“Sure, Mom.”

I sighed as I set my phone down. The relationship between my mother and I was complicated. Picking up my glass of wine, I reviewed some more numbers.


When I arrived home, I changed out of my suit and into more comfortable clothing. My phone pinged with a text from Grayson.

“If you’re home, get your ass down to the beach.”

“I’ll be down in a few.”

Opening the refrigerator, I grabbed a couple of beers and walked out the sliding door.

“What’s up, my brother?” Gabriel smiled as he held his fist up.