Page 21 of Twelve of a Kind

“They do. They’re the best in California. I can call Sam right now and schedule a meeting.”

“That would be great. Thank you.” I smiled.

Shaun walked away to make his call, and I continued walking around the shop, envisioning where my baked goods would be showcased.

“All set. Sam said it would be better if you could meet at his house tonight. Would that be okay? He and Stefan have back-to-back meetings tomorrow. I told him we need to get moving on this quickly.”

“I guess that would be fine. Where does he live?”

“Five minutes from here.” He smiled. “If you give me your phone number, I’ll text you the address.”

I rattled off my number as he entered it into his phone.

“Can you report to Sterling Capital tomorrow morning at nine a.m.?” Shaun asked as he locked up the shop.

“You want me to start working for you tomorrow?”

“The sooner the better. I need to know ASAP who’s stealing from me, how much, and how long it’s been happening. The quicker you finish, the more time you’ll have to focus on your bakery.”

“Okay. I’ll be there tomorrow morning at nine a.m. sharp.” I smiled.



I sat behind my desk as thoughts of Zoey Morgan invaded my mind. She looked just as gorgeous today as she had stood on the side of the road yesterday, clutching a lug wrench. I couldn’t believe I saw her again, and of all places, here. She had piqued my curiosity yesterday, and more so today, now that I found out she was a forensic accountant turned bakery owner.

“Hey. You have a minute.” Shaun walked into my office and shut the door.

“Yeah. Have a seat.”

“You can go ahead and thank me.” He grinned.

“For?” I cocked my head.

“Zoey is meeting with Sam and Stefan at Sam’s house tonight.”

“Why?” My brows furrowed. “Why isn’t she meeting them in the office?”

“Because I set it up that way. Tonight is your perfect chance to get to know her better. Maybe take her down to the beach and walk along the shore.” He smirked. “Or better yet, take her back to your house and show her your bed.”

“And how will I explain why I’m at Sam’s house?” My brow arched.

“I’ve got you covered. Don’t worry. Anyway, she starts at Sterling Capital tomorrow. I’m so fucking pissed. I can’t believe one of my people would do that.”

“I know, Shaun. It’s a good thing Zoey is smart and caught that when she toured the Baker Street building. By the way, what did she think of the new building?”

“She loved it. So, soon enough, there will be a new bakery by us.” He grinned.

“Let’s just hope her baked goods are as delicious as she looks.” I grinned.

“Get your head out of the gutter, cousin.”

“Please. That’s one of the perks of not being in a relationship. I can think about how delicious all the women who catch my attention look.” I grinned.

“You’re a douchebag.” He chuckled as he stood from his chair.

“So were you once.” I pointed at him.