"My current agent was meant to be keeping tabs on Holden, but he lost track of De Boer."
"Not much of a geospatial analyst, eh?"
"You were the only agent I ever had who possessed that skill set. My current agent is a civilian who works for a defense contractor in England. He knows how to play the game with contractors, but he lacks the strategic and emotional expertise you displayed."
I have emotional expertise? The lass must be off her head.
"You don't believe me, do you? That your talents were more than technical. You still think your only value to MI6 was as a computer specialist." She shakes her head slowly. "Thane, I chose you because you are a good man with a conscience and empathy for others. That's what made you such a bloody brilliant covert human intelligence source."
"Stop trying to worm your way back into my good graces. What I need from you is information about Holden."
Ava hops up onto a stool and rests her elbow on the island. She lets her head fall into her upraised hand. "I'm sorry, Thane. The way things went down during our last mission... I understand why you needed to escape from my world."
"Four people died, Ava. Civilians who had nothing to do with your 'op.' They were innocent people just out for a walk in the park and who got caught in the crossfire." Literal crossfire. I will never forget that day as long as I live. "The only information I need from you is what you know about Holden."
"Of course." She straightens and faces me. "After Holden was released, I asked the DIO to have their best geospatial analyst keep track of him. We followed him as he procured a vehicle and began his journey north toward Scotland. We still had him in our sights at Glasgow."
"And then what happened?"
She glances away. "We lost him. Even our best geospatial analyst couldn't find Holden."
At last, I begin to understand the reason for her sudden reappearance in my life. "You paid me a visit because you hope I can find Holden for you."
For a moment, I study Ava and try to deduce how much I should trust her. Very little, that's how much. Yet I believe some of what she's told me. No MI6 veteran would come crawling to me for assistance unless she were desperate.
"Can you help, Thane? Or should I say, will you help me?"
"Aye, I'll find Holden for you."
The tension evaporates from her posture. She leans against the island as if she might melt into a puddle on the floor without the counter holding her up. "Thank you, Thane. You have no idea what sort of bind I've been in."
"Dinnae care about your bind. I'm doing this because it's the right thing." I march over to the door and yank it open. "Come in, Rebecca. You need to hear about this."
The lass leaps off the swing and races up to me. I sling an arm round her waist, and we walk into the living room together. Ava remains on her stool, though her haughtiness is now long gone.
I gesture for Rebecca to sit on the sofa, then I join her. "Come over here, Ava. We still have things to talk about."
She kicks off her high-heeled shoes and carries them as she shuffles over here and drops onto the armchair. Fortunately, the computer screen is turned off. Ava won't get any information from me unless I decide to share it.
Rebecca gives me a sly smile. "Did you smack her around good? She went from arrogant and rude to demure in five minutes."
"We had a good chat. She understands the situation now."
"Sure she does."
I set my ankle on the opposite knee, then drape my arm over Rebecca's shoulders. "Go on, Ava. Tell my girlfriend everything."
Ava's eyes go wide. "Girlfriend?"
"That's right. Rebecca and I are in a relationship. A serious one."
"Oh." Ava wriggles in her chair, staring down at the floor. "That's none of my concern. But I know you want me to explain to Rebecca everything I've just told you."
"Aye. So go on."
She relates all the details to Rebecca, leaving nothing out, and then collapses against her chair. "So you see, I know as little as you do."