Thane glances up at Evan. "Do you think Grey's idea might work?"
Evan rubs his chin, nodding slowly. "I believe it just might be possible. Why don't you and Rebecca go outside and get some fresh air? Errol can keep an eye on the perimeter while Grey and I work on creating that program."
"Aye, we'll do that." Thane stands up and stretches his entire body, releasing a groaning sigh. Then he abruptly freezes. "How precisely will Errol 'keep an eye on the perimeter'?"
The man in question slaps a hand on Thane's shoulder, giving it a hard squeeze. "Dinnae worry, mate. My methods are strategic and smooth."
I can tell Thane wants to complain about what Errol said, so I seize his hand to drag him away from the desk and toward the front door. He doesn't fight it.
Errol races ahead of us to swing the door open. "Ladies and master distillers first."
"He's also a master maltster," I say. "But that's more of a tongue twister."
Thane grips my hand firmly as we walk out of the house. Errol shuts the door, then trots off to do whatever it is he's going to do. I hope it doesn't involve land mines. Thane and I head for the backyard where the chickens and Odin live. The llama greets us, nuzzling my cheek and licking Thane's. The chickens are milling around, eating whatever feed lies on the ground, sprinkled here and there.
After spending some time with the critters, we go out to the front lawn. Thane has a porch swing, so we cuddle up together there and just appreciate the beauty of the Highlands, on full display thanks to the fact that no one else lives within sight of Thane's home. At least now I'm beginning to understand why he's cagey about his past and why he was reticent to get involved with me. But I will not let fear guide me. I will follow my heart---and it leads me straight to Thane Buchanan.
He stretches an arm across my shoulders, and I snuggle even closer to him. Then he nuzzles my cheek and whispers, "What are ye thinking of, mo chridhe?"
"The past, the present, the future." I lay my hand on his arm, where it's draped over my shoulders, and thread our fingers. "The truth is, I never had this kind of relationship with my ex-husband. But despite his behavior, I can't wish I'd never met him. He gave me two wonderful children who became amazing adults."
"You're very proud of them. They must be proud of you too."
"Not so sure about that. I got fired from my old job."
"But it wasn't your fault. You are an incredible woman, and I know you'll take our company to new heights and make it the most popular whisky in Scotland, probably the UK too." He winks. "Who knows? Maybe it will take over the world market."
"Let's not go crazy with our sales projections right off the bat."
"I believe in you, Rebecca. That's what I meant."
His statement stuns me so much that, for a moment, all I can do is gape at him. Then I blink rapidly as I rouse from my shock. "No one has ever told me that before. I---I don't know what to say."
"Dinnae need to say anything. I wanted you to know how much I respect and admire you, that's all." He gets up and holds out his hand. "We best go back into the house. Evan and Grey must have come up with a solution by now."
I accept his hand, letting him help me get up even though we both know I could've done that on my own. Thane is just that kind of gentleman. When he turns toward the front door, I lay a hand on his arm to halt him.
He turns toward me.
And I splay a hand over his cheek. "I believe in you too, Thane."
I swear his eyes are tearing up just a little. He swallows hard, trying to smile but too choked up to do it. Then he clears his throat and faces the door again, grasping the knob with his free hand.
"That's the sweetest thing I've ever seen, Thane. You and Rebecca expressing your admiration for each other. Should I set off a land mine in celebration?"
With a sigh, Thane glances at Errol. "No, ye barmy cacan. But thank you for the offer."
I can just see Errol's face peeking around the corner of the house. He really is a strange man. But from what Thane and his friends have told me, Errol Murdoch is also brave, selfless, and kind. I gave up on judging other people based on superficial things a long time ago.
"Are you coming in too, Errol?" Thane asks.
"No. I'm staying out here with Odin. He's a brilliant conversationalist."
Uh, sure, whatever. Errol must be joking, but it's hard to tell with him.
Thane and I return to the living room just as Grey shouts, "I pulled a blinder! It's bloody brilliant! Wish Jess hadn't gone to the loo. She would love to see what I just did."
We come up behind the desk chair, where Evan sits. The tech billionaire leaps out of the chair and waves for Thane to take the seat. "Grey and I finished coding that program. And as Grey just shouted to the entire universe, he came up with the final bits of code that made everything fall into place. He did indeed do a blinder."