Page 74 of Valentine in a Kilt

Chapter Twenty-Five


We have nothing to do except wait for Logan's call. I can tell Rebecca is anxious, with good reason, and I'm doing my best to ease her worries. To distract her, I suggest we go outside to say hello to Odin and the chickens. Rebecca does seem less anxious after that. Odin is very friendly, and he adores the lass. She even laughs a wee bit when the llama nuzzles her cheek. She feeds him a treat and tosses some feed to the chickens too.

All of that expended about twelve minutes.

I take Rebecca back into the house and try another tactic to distract her, after we've sat down on the sofa. "Tell me more about your marketing strategy."

"You probably won't like some of it."

"Tell me anyway. I might surprise you."

"Okay." She wriggles about until she has her feet tucked under her cross-legged. "I want to hold an event at the distillery for Valentine's Day."

"What sort of event? A whisky tasting?"

"That's part of it. But the main event will be a party with dancing and music, though I might move that to a bigger venue. You will wear your formal kilt. I'll wear a gown. The guests will all dress in fancy clothes too."

"A ceilidh at the distillery could be enjoyable. It might also bring in more of the public."

"Exactly. But I'm not done yet. I also want to highlight the romance aspect of Valentine's Day with appropriate decor as well as guided tours of the whole operation." She holds up a staying hand. "Let me finish before you grouse about it. Once people see the process of making your whisky, they'll realize how unique and amazing your distillery is."

"Why are you tying my company to Valentine's Day? The two have nothing in common."

She wags a finger at me. "You need to broaden your mind, Thane. Valentine's is the perfect platform for launching your products to the broader market. Right now, you mainly sell to friends and relatives, right?"


"We have three weeks to get this campaign moving. By the time I'm done, everyone in the Highlands will know about the Thane Buchanan Distillery and how deliciously spicy and sweet and exciting your whiskies are."

I sink back into the sofa, resting my head on it which means I'm staring up at the ceiling. "Three weeks doesn't sound like a great deal of time. Your plan seems quite complicated."

"Not really. I've already booked a recording studio so we can get your radio ads running right away. And I also booked a photography studio."

"Where did you find either of those? We'll need to drive three hours to Inverness, I imagine."

She shakes her head. "You hope it will be impossible, but you're wrong. We only need to go to Loch Fairbairn and maybe Fort William."

I jerk my head forward to gawp at the lass. "I have never seen any such things in Loch Fairbairn."

"Fiona suggested I should talk to Kirsty about it."

Now I jerk my whole body upright and twist round to scrutinize the lass. "Kirsty MacTaggart? She's Fiona's cousin."

"Yep. Turns out Kirsty wants to start her own podcast to promote her metaphysical shop. Her husband, Luke, bought all the equipment, and he'll be acting as her producer." Rebecca leans toward me. "So you see, there's no wriggling out of this. Luke will be the producer for your radio and TV ads."

"Television? You never mentioned that."

"Just now I did." She climbs onto my lap, straddling my thighs. "I promise I'll make it all worth your while."

"You're going to shag me until I'm so enthralled by your sensual skills that I'll do anything you want."

She sinks deeper into my lap and brushes her lips across mine lightly. "I can already make you do whatever I want. The shagging is a freebie."

I link my hands behind her erse. "I'll need a down payment on that."

We're mixing metaphors, but who gives a toss?