Page 70 of Valentine in a Kilt

Odin kisses her cheek in his llama manner.

Rebecca laughs again. "You're the sweetest animal I've ever met. But you probably just like the way I smell, huh?"

"Odin has a crush on you, gràidh. He likes people, but he has never reacted to a newcomer this way." I scratch behind the llama's ear. "But I can't deny he has excellent taste in women."

And I also can't deny that I'm a wee bit jealous of how much Rebecca fusses over Odin. Women usually love animals, though. Malina thinks Odin is "the most adorable critter in the world" and that he has "the most gorgeous eyes ever." Apparently, even her father can't compete with a llama.

Now that we've gathered our eggs, I lead Rebecca back into the house. We need to talk about the Holden problem for one, but I'm certain Rebecca also wants to discuss her marketing plan. I stash the eggs in the refrigerator while she waits for me in the living room. Then I bring a tray of tea and shortbread, setting it down on the coffee table, and take a seat beside her.

She eyes the tray with a hint of suspicion. "More food? Are you trying to fatten me up for the winter?"

"Thought you might like a wee piece, especially since I made the shortbread myself. Dinnae have to eat it if you're too full."

"Never said I wouldn't eat it."

I pour us each a cup of tea, though I only add one spoonful of honey to mine. Rebecca puts three spoonfuls of sugar and a large amount of honey too. Before she tastes the shortbread, she takes a few sips of her tea and seems to relish the flavor of it. At last, she plucks up a rectangular slice of shortbread and takes a dainty bite, chewing it slowly.

Her face lights up. "This is wonderful, Thane."

I sit up straighter, suddenly feeling so good that I might float away on a cloud.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Thane looks adorably pleased with himself simply because I complimented his shortbread. I hadn't lied. It's delicious. I could eat the stuff all day long. But I'd get very nauseous if I did that, not to mention very bloated. This man feeds me the most amazing foods and beverages and gives me the best orgasms I've ever experienced.

I love being with him.

Once I've gobbled up three slices of shortbread, it's time to get more answers out of him. "Why do you have a llama?"

"To protect the chickens from predators."

"Is that the only reason?"

He rests his elbow on the sofa's back and props his head up with his fist. "I had a feeling you would ask me that. No, protecting the chickens isn't the only reason I have a llama. Odin has another job too. He's my security system."

I stare at him for a moment, sure I've misunderstood. "You mean because he watches out for the chickens. I'm asking about your home security system, the kind with keypads and cameras and all that jazz."

"You won't find any of that here. Odin is my only security system."

"Huh?" I glance around the living room but don't see anything that resembles an electronic system. "You can't be serious. A llama is not a reliable means of protecting the property or yourself."

"You don't know Odin. He might be a charming and affable fellow, but if anyone invades the property, he will alert me."

"But he made those honking noises at me."

"Aye, because he didn't know you. Now he does."

This is insane. A llama security system? Nobody does that. Some people have Rottweilers, but they have huge teeth and massive jaws that could rip a person apart. Odin the llama is friendly. His only defensive weapon is, apparently, the weird noises he makes.

"You're skeptical," Thane says. "I understand why. But believe me, if anyone tries to hurt either of us, Odin will step in to help."

"Uh-huh. This is all very bizarre, but we need to talk about other things right now." Before I tell him about the marketing campaign, I need to ask him about something else. "Holden has harassed you once and attacked both of us once. What if he comes back? Have you even tried to find out where he is? I'd rather not get ambushed again."

He moves closer, gently wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "I haven't tried to find him. But you're right, I should do that. I'm just not sure how to track him down since my only contact at the DIO told me she can't do anything to help."

"Can't you tap into your old skills? That geospatial whatsit stuff."