Page 42 of Valentine in a Kilt

"I'm excited too. Haven't had a date in a very long time." He steps across the threshold and slides an arm around my waist. "I could hardly wait to see you tonight. Arrived half an hour early and just sat in my car listening to music until it was time. Being early might seem rude."

"You have my permission to arrive early anytime you're coming to my place." I move backward while Thane moves with me, keeping his arm around me. Then he kicks the door shut, and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Were you blasting bagpipe music in the parking garage?"

"No, it was, ah...something else."

I tickle his lips with my fingertip. "Come on, you can tell me your dirty little secret. Was it polka music?"

He shakes his head and winces. "I was listening to Duran Duran's greatest hits. I, ah, downloaded the album."

I can't stop myself from grinning like an idiot. "You listened to my favorite band. That's the sweetest thing any man has done for me." It's my turn to grimace. "Though I shouldn't assume that's why you did it."

"Of course it's why. I wanted to get caught up on your favorite music. I listened to Danse Macabre last night."

"The whole album?"

"Aye." He brushes his fingertips through my hair, then glides them down my cheek. "I want to know everything about you, gràidh."

"I want to know you inside out too, but I get why you can't tell me everything. There's a law about it, right?"

"The Official Secrets Act, aye."

"My dad worked in the defense industry in the US, so I understand there are things that sometimes can't be discussed with anyone."

Thane kisses the tip of my nose. "I'd like to hear more about your family, but not yet. This is our first date, after all. We should concentrate on each other."

"I agree. But I need to get a good look at your outfit. Step away, please."

He takes three strides backward and tosses his winter jacket across the living area where it lands on the sofa's back. Then he spreads his arms. "Look all ye like."

Though I'd noticed his clothing when I opened the door, I'd been so thrilled to see him that I paid little attention to anything but his beautiful face. Now, I take a good long look. The most obvious part of his ensemble is the kilt. The plaid design features shades of green, blue, and red as well as wide yellow lines that serve as the focal point. He wears a golden-brown shirt that complements his dirty-blond hair and also spiffy reddish-brown shoes. Gray plaid knee-high socks finish off the ensemble. The overall effect is classy, casual, and sexy as hell.

Oh, yeah, I need to get naked with this man tonight.

Chapter Fifteen


"Wow, Thane, you look incredible," Rebecca says while she walks around me in a circle to admire my clothing. Women are usually very interested in kilts, but I've never before had a lass inspect me in this manner. It's making me randy. Thankfully, she stops in front of me and raises her gaze to mine. "Never wear anything but a kilt ever again."

"You like the Buchanan clan tartan?"

"No. Well, yes, but it's not the design that makes me horny. You turn that kilt into something smokin' hot."

"I've never had a lass react this way to my kilt. Best not lick your lips anymore until after dinner, or I'll lose control and fuck you up against the door."

She clasps my hands and shuffles backward, leading me toward the island.

I stop us halfway there, then back away a few paces. "It's my turn to admire your clothing."

"My outfit isn't as sexy as yours. If I'd known you would wear a kilt, I would've picked something sexier to wear."

"No, gràidh, what you're wearing is perfect. It's dead sexy."

I allow myself to enjoy a slow appraisal of every inch of her body, beginning with her casual, sunny-yellow dress. Slender straps, tied atop her shoulders, hold the frock up, and the flowing skirt portion stops just above her knees. Sandals with low heels show off her bonnie wee toes and sexy ankles. She painted her toenails a muted shade of pink.

Bod an Donais. I want to devour those wee toes and lick my way up her legs until I reach her mound.

"Spin round for me once, love. Let me see all of you."