Page 40 of Valentine in a Kilt

"Aye, I'm sure too. But if you need someone to talk to, about anything, you come find me."

"Thank you, Fiona. You're a great boss and a great friend." I wince. "Though I shouldn't assume we are friends."

"Of course we are." She pats my hand. "Once you've gotten used to your new life, you'll feel much more at ease. Dinnae fash."

After lunch, I'm sitting in my office working on various ideas for marketing the distillery when a knock at the door rouses me from my intense focus. "Come on in."

I hear the door open and close, but I'm still focused on my task.

Thane's head appears beside mine. "What are you about now, eh? I didn't think anyone still used index cards. That sort of thing is done on computers now."

"Yes, but I prefer to do things the old-fashioned way."

"So do I, though I never use index cards."

His proximity and the scent of his aftershave are making me antsy. He smells too damn good, and every time he speaks, his warm breath teases my cheek. I banish those thoughts as best I can and stand up to face him.

Thane straightens and gives me his patented casual smile.

I try to tug my suit jacket down, out of habit, but suddenly remember I'm not wearing a jacket today. "Did you need something?"

"Aye. I needed to check on you."

"Oh. Well, I'm fine." Suck it up, woman, and tell him the truth. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately. It's just that I, um, still feel kind of out of place here. I'm the only American, and I had never been to Scotland before. Everyone is so kind to me. My hang-ups are the problem, not anything that anyone here has done."

"I can understand that. But I'm sure what I did the other night made you feel uncomfortable too."

"Not uncomfortable." I take a breath and just say it. "I want more than sex with you. I haven't wanted to get involved with anyone, not seriously, ever since my divorce. But I would love to date you, Thane."

He gazes at me yet again with that casual smile and inscrutable expression.

I begin to feel itchy all over, though I fight the urge to scratch.

At last, Thane strides up to me and clasps my hands. His casual smile has turned into a sweet one. "I would love that too."

"Do you think everyone else at the distillery will be okay with that?"

"Oh, aye. They've been telling me to patch things up with you." He pulls me close and kisses my forehead. "They'll probably throw a big ceilidh to celebrate."

"A ceilidh is a dance party, right?"

"Have you been studying Scottish traditions?"

I hunch my shoulders. "Maybe a little."

Thane grins. "You'll be a true Scot soon enough."

"No offense, but I'd rather stay American---and still fit in with Scots."

"Understandable. I was having you on, anyway."

I know that, and I love that he feels comfortable teasing me. I also know that he doesn't mind if I tease him right back. I can't believe I basically told him to go away the other night. The way he's smiling now gives me a wonderfully warm sensation in my chest. Maybe I can make it up to him.

Since he's still holding my hands, I give them a squeeze. "Would you like to have dinner at my place?"


"Tomorrow night. I need time to buy groceries." I bite my lip. "Could you tell me where the nearest store is?"