Page 17 of Valentine in a Kilt


Oh no, why did I blurt that out? I know better than to tell my new boss that my previous boss gave me the ax. I'd been unemployed and living on my savings until I visited a jobs website and stumbled onto the distillery's listing for a marketing specialist. Now that I've spilled the beans all over my lap, I might as well confess everything to Thane.

"I should explain," I tell him. "First, you should know that, during my first interview, I told Fiona about what happened at my last job. She hired me anyway, though I'm not sure why."

"Fiona is a clever woman. She wouldn't have given you this job unless she was certain you could handle it."

He's being so nice about this. And that means I need to tell him the rest of the story.

I scarf down another mouthful of clootie dumpling first. Stress eating has always been a bad habit of mine. Then I straighten and face Thane. "At my old marketing firm, one of my coworkers was jealous of how successful my campaigns were. She made up lies about me and even faked documents that made it look like I was skimming from the company."

"She thought you were stealing money?"

"Yeah. My boss knew it was a bogus claim, but he had to fire me. That other employee was a founding partner in the company. Her family money had built the business."

Thane narrows his gaze, and I suddenly feel like I'm talking to a caged tiger that might burst out at any moment to kill my enemies. But that's crazy. Thane is easygoing. I've only known him for less than a day, so maybe I shouldn't assume I understand him.

He leans toward me, and his voice drops to a deeper, almost menacing, tone. "Never tell me that woman's name, or I'll be forced to hunt her down and mete out justice."

I wriggle in my chair. "Well, um, that's not really necessary. She was a rotten person, but I don't want her dead."

"Never said I'd kill her. I won't even come within ten miles of the woman."

"Uh-huh." What kind of beast have I unleashed by telling Thane about my former job? It's unsettling but also...a turn-on. Now I need to wonder what's been unleashed inside me. "Could we just forget about this conversation?"

"Aye." He relaxes and smiles. "Best eat your meal. I want to finish teaching you about whisky, so you'll understand how to market it."

"Oh, sure. That sounds great." As long as we stay away from the river. I think it has magical sex powers. Or maybe it's Thane who has that. "But won't Fiona wonder where I've gone? If her new employee disappears."

He plucks a cell phone out of his pants pocket and dials a number. "Would you come over here, please? Of course you know what I mean. You can see me over here sitting across from Rebecca. Good. No smirking, though."

Thane shoves the phone back into his pocket.

And Fiona jogs up to our table. "How may I serve you, my lord?"

She's talking to Thane, not me. He wears the pleasantly neutral expression that seems to be his normal resting face.

"Dinnae be cheeky," he says calmly. "I wanted to let you know that Rebecca will spend the afternoon with me---learning about whisky, not whatever else you're thinking right now."

"What would I possibly have to think about? You two are clearly having a business lunch. What else would our supreme leader be doing with an underling?"

Thane's lips twitch, almost forming a smile. "Go on, ye smuilceag. Leave my sight before I sic the hounds on you."

Fiona winks at me, then casually returns to the table in the far corner where she'd been hanging out with her work buddies. She and Thane have a very strange working relationship. I suppose that's because they dated for a while who knows how long ago. They probably had sex too. But that doesn't matter to me.

Thane carries our now-empty trays over to the cart where, apparently, everyone dumps their leftovers. He returns a moment later and politely asks me to go with him. I do that without questioning where we're going or why. He might be strange, but he's very polite. And that makes me trust him. Or maybe I'm willing to go wherever he wants because he's hot and I had sex with him a few hours ago.

I'm so glad my kids aren't here to witness my behavior.

Once we've walked out the cafeteria doors, I get nosy. "You know a lot about me, but I know almost nothing about you."

"Ask me whatever you like."

"That's a dangerously broad invitation."

He glances at me sideways. "I trust you not to take your inquiries too far."

"Okay. Then here's my first question. Have you ever been married?"