Page 85 of Valentine in a Kilt

"Only via biometrics. In this case, that means facial recognition."

"Do I look anything like this bloke?"

Ava rolls her eyes. "Of course not. Did you think I wouldn't have brought a decryption app that would confuse the facial recognition software?"

"Why would I know that? I wasn't a spy, Ava, not the sort you and Holden were."

"Yes, all right, I'm sorry." She pulls another item out of her pocket, handing it to Thane. "This is the decryption key. It should grant you full access to the laptop's contents. Feel free to contact your mates if you need help. This is a bit far from my wheelhouse."

I wish I could help Thane, but my expertise with technology goes only as far as creating social media graphics. But maybe I can help him in another way. Ava watches me closely while I amble up to Thane's chair, halting behind it, and settle my palms on his head. He smiles up at me and touches my hand.

Ava's lips pucker again. That woman needs to expand her repertoire of annoyed expressions.

Thane gets to work, easily unlocking the laptop with the decryption whatsit Ava gave him. I massage his scalp the way I'd done earlier when he was trying to find Holden via that geospatial gobbledygook. My touch seemed to relax him, which might've made his task less stressful. He told me he believes it did. That's why I decided to try it again.

Ava's brows draw together over her nose.

While Thane taps away on the keyboard and swirls his mouse around, I keep up my massage. At the same time, my attention becomes riveted to the computer screen. I have no idea what he's doing, but watching him work makes me feel closer to him. I love this man, and I would do anything for him.

Holy shit. Did I actually think those words? I haven't known him for long, but I suddenly realize it's true. I am in love with Thane Buchanan. I need to tell him that, but not in front of Ava the Hyphenated Princess. Okay, my opinion of Ava might be slightly colored by the fact that she flounced onto the scene and started insulting me while getting handsy with my man.

I bend my head down to murmur into Thane's ear, "How long do you think this will take?"

"Ten to fifteen minutes, I'd wager. This is an unfamiliar program."

"In that case, I'm going to have a little chat with our guest."

His mouth kinks up at one corner in a sly smile. "Dinnae rough her up too much, grĂ idh. She needs to be conscious to answer any questions I might have for her."

"In other words, you don't mind if I rip her hair out and slug her in the jaw, just as long as she stays awake."

He winks, then goes back to studying the new program.

And I approach Ava's chair. "Let's go outside and have a little girl talk."

She lifts her brows, then pushes herself up and out of the chair. Then she smooths out her designer clothing with both hands and reasserts her haughty demeanor. "Yes, let's do that."

Her snooty tone of voice has returned as well.

But I suspect that's a facade.

I lead the way as we step outside and tromp down the porch steps, halting in front of Thane's truck. "I want the truth, right now."

Ava huffs. "I've already told both of you everything."

"Not quite." I fold my arms over my chest and keep my gaze leveled on hers. "Thane told me that he called you after the first time Holden came after him. But you refused to help him. Now I want to know why you waited so damn long when you knew a dangerous ex-con was on the loose and itching for some payback."

"It wasn't within my remit."

"Thane was your agent."

"Years ago. He's been a civilian for a long time, and I have not been his intelligence officer for equally as long."

That's pretty much what I expected her to say. But I have an ace up my sleeve that I'd bet will shake her up just enough for me to dig the truth out of her. "Even if it wasn't in your 'remit,' you would've wanted to help him because you are in love with him."

Ava stops blinking. Stops breathing, I think. And she definitely goes pale underneath all that makeup. She swallows hard enough that I can see the movement in her throat. "Why would you suggest such a thing?"

"Because it's true." I lean toward her a little bit. It's enough to make her cringe. "I don't care if you'd rather Thane never finds out how you feel. I am going to tell him. We're a couple, and that means we need to be transparent with each other. I'm giving you one last chance to confess."