This conversation is going nowhere. I need to get out of this office now, before I jump him. His voice is like whisky and chocolate, an addictive combination. I push my chair backward, which makes it scrape across the floor. "Give me the grand tour, please. I need to familiarize myself with the facility."
"If that's what you want."
"Yes, it is. Thank you."
I spring out of my chair, but my stupid high heels trip me up again, and I stumble into Thane for the second time in less than fifteen minutes. When he reaches for me, I stagger backward in an attempt to get some space. Instead, I bump into that damn chair.
And I flail, about to crash down to the floor.
Thane catches me, hugging my body to all his muscles. "Ye should be more careful, grĂ idh. Might crack that lovely head of yours."
He skims his gaze over me from head to toe, just like he'd done earlier. But this time, he does more than smirk. His lips curl into a suggestive smile while his eyes smolder with a heat that makes my breath catch.
Yeah, I'm beginning to realize why his whiskey is called "sensual secret."
I swallow hard. "Please let go of me."
"Are ye sure you can stay upright this time?"
"Positive. Please let go."
He peels his body away from mine so slowly that I'm sure he's doing it on purpose to tease me with his sexiness. How could I be attracted to a man I just met? It's crazy. But my body insists on cranking up the arousal meter higher and higher, just as gradually as Thane had released me.
The Scot finally steps backward, giving me some space but also a reprieve from the delicious scent of him. He must use cologne or aftershave. "Shall we begin the tour now?"
"Yes." I tug my jacket down and pick up my portfolio, which I apparently dropped when Thane pulled me close. "Let's go. I need to get up to speed on how this facility works."
He approaches the door and pulls it open, waving for me to exit first.
Well, at least he is a gentleman. Can't say I've met many of those. The guys I've worked with for most of my career didn't have complimentary things to say about me. I think I'm a nice person, but sometimes in business a woman has to put her foot down.
First, he leads me down the hall in the opposite direction from the distillery floor, walking rather swiftly. I should've worn sneakers.
"Can you slow down, please?" I ask. "These shoes aren't made for jogging."
Thane halts and half turns toward me. He scrutinizes my shoes and twists one side of his mouth upward at one corner. "Why would you wear something like that when you're working at a distillery? I reckon ye want to break your ankle, aye?"
"No, of course not."
"Then get rid of those shoes. I can find you a pair of wellies."
"You're talking about rubber boots, right? I don't need those. Unless we're going outside to trudge through muck."
He lifts his brows. "Dinnae like to accept advice, do ye? I'm trying to reduce the chances of you having another accident."
"And I appreciate that. But---"
"Toss your shoes into the rubbish bin. That's my advice."
"What?" I point at my feet. "These are Christian Louboutin, which means they're designer. I saved up for six months to buy these pumps. I will not toss them into a trash can."
He eyes my clothing. "Is your suit designer too? No one who works here dresses that way except on special occasions."
"To answer your question, yes, this is a designer suit."
"How long did you save to pay for that?"
I'm starting to get irritated, but I don't want to insult Thane. This is his company, and though I technically work for Fiona, I suppose he is the boss of the whole operation. That means I need to behave accordingly, which involves not annoying him too much. "Could we get the tour started, please? I'm anxious to learn about the distillery."