Page 41 of Valentine in a Kilt

"No need for that. I can bring the ingredients, then you can cook everything."

"Perfect." I suddenly realize there's one problem. "But if you buy Scottish foods, I won't know how to cook them."

"Never mind that. I won't buy anything you won't recognize."

"Whew. That's a relief."

For a moment, we just stand here holding hands, looking into each other's eyes. I've never experienced this before, feeling so close to someone yet not speaking a word, just enjoying the way it makes me feel. I barely know Thane, but I want to change that this weekend. My kids have been pestering me to start dating again, despite my lackluster track record with romance. Now, they'll get what they've wanted.

I'm dating a Scotsman. A smart, charming, damn sexy Scotsman.

"For the sake of full disclosure," I tell him, "I haven't dated in a long time. My last date was awkward, to say the least."

He dips his head to brush his nose against mine. Then he touches his forehead to mine too and winks. "Dinnae worry, gràidh. We can take this as slowly as you want."

"You are so sweet and understanding."

He touches his lips to mine, rubbing them gently. "If you aren't ready for sex yet, just let me know. I can wait as long as you need."

"I'm so sorry I freaked out the other night."

"Forget about all that. Let's just enjoy our first official date and see what happens next."

Thane kisses my cheek, then walks out the door.

And I drop my ass onto the desk and sigh. Everything inside me feels warm and liquid, and I know one thing for certain. I'm completely smitten with that man. I'd say it's like a teenage crush, but I never felt this way about any of the boys I dated in school. No one in my past could hold a candle to Thane.

Could I fall in love with him? It's much too soon to even entertain that idea. But I can't deny that I want to find out how this little romance will play out. And if one day he does pop that question...

Well, one thing is for sure. I won't panic.

After finishing my first week at the distillery, I head home in the evening feeling better than ever. I have a date. My kids will be thrilled, but I think I'll hold off on telling them until after my date night with Thane. Don't want to jinx it. Not that I believe in silly things like that. It just seems prudent to keep my plans to myself until I see how dinner goes.

The next day, I have nothing to do. Thane will bring the raw ingredients, and we agreed via text message that he should arrive at six o'clock, so I'll have time to cook everything. We forgot to discuss an arrival time yesterday.

At three o'clock, I start unpacking all my clothes. I'd only taken out the items I would need for work plus a couple of casual outfits. Now, I need to find my dressier stuff. I'd been wearing a pantsuit on that ill-fated night when Thane confessed that he wanted to make love to me. For our first date, I want to look hot.

Really hot.

But I don't want to go overboard, in case he shows up in jeans and a T-shirt. So, I lay out all my nicer clothes on the bed, and some of it on the dresser, to get a look at my options. As I study the garments, I tap my finger on my chin while humming tunelessly. It's a quirky habit of mine. I'm glad Thane isn't here to witness my behavior. I'm debating whether to wear slacks to be more casual or a dress that will make it easier for him to strip me.

Yes, I'm already hoping for sex tonight.

But I don't want to choose a fuck-me outfit. I'd rather let him see the real me before I go all-out on the seduction. Besides, I'd love to let him do the seducing.

Finally, I make a decision. Now that I'm dressed, I fix my hair and makeup before slipping into my shoes. Thane will love my outfit, I'm sure of that. I suspect that if I wore camo fatigues, he'd love that too. A burlap sack would probably also work. He's not the fussy type.

I still have an hour to go.

To pass the time, I watch TV until that gets boring. Honestly, it only takes me ten minutes to get sick of that. Then I pace the width of the picture windows.

The doorbell rings.

And I sprint for the door, yanking it wide open. "Thane, you're here."

He chuckles. "Aye, lass, I'm here. Am I late?"

"No. I was just excited to see you, that's all."