Page 11 of Valentine in a Kilt

Chapter Four


Thane studies me with a strange expression. It looks like a mishmash of shock, lust, and concern. Well, I'm feeling a bit like that too. Sex with a man I met a few hours ago? Sex in the woods? With my boss? Holy shit, what is wrong with me? I'm getting fired, for sure. But Fiona is my direct superior, and she can't fire me for screwing Thane because I won't tell her about it, and I can't believe he would tell her either.

Well, at least now I know the rumors are true. Post-hysterectomy sex is amazing---with the right man.

Thane winces. "Ye must think I'm a predator. A bod ceann who uses and abuses women. How do ye feel, lass? I hope I didn't hurt you."

I can tell he honestly worries about that. So, I smile at him. "Relax, I'm fine. I feel incredible, actually. It's been a long time since I dated, much less had sex."

"Aye, it's been a long time for me too. I haven't really dated for several years, though I've had a few weekend flings. That sort of thing doesn't appeal to me anymore, though."

"I haven't been with anyone in four years." Not sure why we're exchanging this information. It's not like we're going steady. Does anyone use that term anymore? Probably not. My daughter would laugh at me for saying it.

Thane reaches for me.

And I shuffle sideways. "This was great, but we need to forget it ever happened. I mean, you are my boss, kind of."

"Kind of? It's my distillery."

"Don't get testy. I only meant that Fiona is my direct superior. She answers to you, right?"

"Aye. Sorry I snapped at you. It isn't like me at all."

I tug my jacket down, though I can't explain why. "Let's just erase this one crazy moment from our minds and go back to having a purely professional relationship. Two people who have essentially been celibate for years were bound to explode under the right circumstances. We're attracted to each other. That was the catalyst. But now we've gotten it out of our systems."

"Have we?" He takes one step, erasing the gap between us. "You and I have the sort of chemistry that could destroy the universe. It's more powerful than azidoazide azide."

"Az-uh what?"

He chuckles. "Azidoazide azide. It's the most explosive chemical on earth."

Yeah, I can't deny our chemistry is that explosive. I've never felt anything like it. But that doesn't erase the fact that he's my employer. I have no choice but to straighten my posture, lift my chin a touch, and pretend I don't give a damn that we just had the best sex in the history of the cosmos.

"We need to remain professional, Thane. What just happened, never happened. Got it?"

"If that's what you want."

"Thank you."

As I walk past him, he grabs my arm. "I haven't finished telling you how my whisky is made."

"I'll get Fiona to explain. Later. Right now, I need to find my office and start spitballing ideas for how to make everyone want your whisky."

"We had a poke, gràidh. Don't let that get in the way of business."

"Nothing distracts me from doing my job."

I shake his hand off my arm and march down the path to the main building. Just as the door shuts behind me, and I'm contemplating where the heck I'm supposed to go now, I hear the sound of shoes clapping on the hard floor. When I turn toward the sound, Fiona smiles and waves at me.

She halts beside me, and her smile fades. "What's fashing you, Rebecca?"

Based on the context, I assume she's asking what's bothering me. Learning the Scottish way of speaking will take some time. "I'm not sure where my office is."

"Let me show you."

I let Fiona lead me down the maze of corridors. Fortunately, we don't need to traipse across that metal walkway. I could break my ankle, just like Thane warned me I might. Damn. Thinking about him gives me a flashback of our "poke" by the river. Did anyone hear us? I know I made a lot of noise. Couldn't help it. That man is an incredible lover.