Page 93 of Can't Help Falling

If you’re free, I’d love help




It’s a date!

I hit send without thinking.

I panic, and tap over to the message stickers, grab a giraffe ‘blowing it’s mind’, and drag it over the top of that last text.

And then instantly wish I could erase the sticker, so I try tapping on it and dragging it, but it just turns forty-five degrees and enlarges.

And because I like to make things worse, I keep going.


Oh my gosh, not a date

And sorry about the giraffe

And the date

You know what I mean.


Not a date.

I got it.

Oh my gosh. There are periods at the ends of those texts. Is he mad? Did I offend him? How should I read that?

And why didn’t I just edit my text instead of making everything weird and awkward?

I don’t know how to respond, so I just type a thumbs-up emoji.


I’m a winner.

Chapter Twenty-One


If I ever need to fashionably dress for the zombie apocalypse, I’m calling my mom.

Friday morning, after sending off my latest podcast file to Ripper, I come down the stairs to find she’s dressed in green cargo pants and a chambray button-down. She’s got a handkerchief on her head and rubber boots up to her knees. And she’s wearing a pair of work gloves.

In Dawn’s Reckoning, the post-apocalyptic zombie romance thriller, protagonist Dawn Stevens falls for survivalist, Brock Johnson, when holed up in a supermarket, fighting off a horde of the undead.

Turns out that they went to kindergarten together, and he still has a handprint turkey she made for him folded in his survival pack. Their meet-cute was over an expired can of refried beans.

It’s not the most well-written book.