Page 87 of Can't Help Falling

“What am I supposed to do with this, eat it?”

She laughs. “No, although you could probably eat the whole thing and not gain a pound. Stupid men.”

I smile.

“You’re going to help me frost them.”

“I have no idea how to do that,” I say.

“Have you held a fire hose before?”

“Of course.”

“This is nothing like that.”

Now I laugh. I’m comfortable. Relaxed.

Totally the opposite of an hour ago at the bar.

She smiles with her eyes. “I’ll show you.” She fills another bag with frosting, then squeezes it over one of the cupcakes, a perfect circular swirl, and it’s obvious she’s done this a million times. “Just like that.”

“Just like that?”

“Yep. It’s just for you anyway,” she says. “You’re eating it, so put as much icing on it as you want.”

I pick up the cupcake, hold the piping bag over it, and squeeze. The frosting comes out way faster than I thought it would, and it shoots a glob over the side of the cupcake and down my hand.

Emmy giggles.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“I really am.” She takes the bag from me, works her frosting magic, and makes my mess look like a display model. She raises her eyebrows in a see, it’s easy look.

I raise my eyebrows in return and proceed to eat the huge glob of icing off the side of my hand.

Another giggle.

I’m glad that things between us seem to be getting back to normal. She seems less nervous around me now, more like herself.

I like it.

Because we’re friends. And we should feel comfortable around each other.

She hands me the cupcake, and nods at it. “Try it.”

“You’re so bossy.”

She grins. “It’s really good,” she sings at me.

I do as I’m told, and the second I take a bite, I close my eyes to let myself enjoy the way all the fall flavors blend together. Pumpkin and spices and cream cheese frosting—it’s perfection. I let out a little hum of appreciation, and when I open my eyes, I see her watching me, her smile still intact. “You’re right,” I say, mouth still full. “It’s really good.”

She lifts her hands up in a victory pose, then unwraps her own cupcake, removing the bottom and squishing it onto the top of the frosting, sandwich style. Then she takes a bite. She closes her eyes and chews for a long moment, savoring the taste. “Do you know how happy it makes me to bake a perfect cupcake?” She does a little dance, and I wonder how many people in the world get to see this side of her.

“Good thing you stopped being weird,” I tease.

She finishes her dance and takes another bite. “You’re going to make me weird again if you keep talking about it.”

“Sorry.” I pause. “Mack was pretty mad, huh?”