Page 57 of Can't Help Falling

“Yes, sir.”

“We’re awfully glad you are. Especially Emmy—am I right, kiddo?”

Emmy’s eyes widen, then drop to her lap. I see her mom catch her dad’s eye. She fires a sort of nonverbal warning shot, and her dad turns back to look at me.

“I just meant because you pulled her out of that fire,” Rob says. “You basically saved her life.”

“Technically, he didn’t,” Emmy mumbles without looking up.

“She’s right,” I say. “Technically, I only carried her because she was too stubborn to come with me when I told her to.”

I feel her glare at me, and I respond by taking a bite of goulash.

“This is really good, Mrs. S.”

“Jeannie,” she says. “I told you. You’re not going to save our daughter and call me Mrs. anything. First name basis.”

I nod.

“We saw your interview,” Jeannie says. “You did a very good job.”

“Can’t believe you sat down and talked to Lindsay,” Mack says, emphasizing her name so it sounds like it tastes bad coming out of her mouth. “You should’ve told her viewers what a narcissistic snake she is.”

Dad laughs, “Why don’t you tell us how you really feel, hon.”

“Mackenzie.” My mom says this like a warning. “We’ve all moved on.”

“Whatever.” Mack spits. “I don’t have any intention of pretending everything’s fine when it comes to Lindsay Freaking Romanelli. And if I run into her, I’ll be sure to tell her so.”

“Owen has moved on,” Dad says. “You should too.”

Mack scoffs. “Owen hasn’t moved on.” She looks at me. “She’s the reason he’s got a three-date policy.”

“A what?” My mother frowns.

“A what?” Emmy repeats, but then quickly clams up.

“Won’t go out with anyone for more than three dates,” Mack says. “Right, bro?”

“Mackenzie.” Now I’m the one firing the warning shot.

“What? You do.” Mack takes a bite and chews and adds, mouth half-full. “Is that some kind of a secret?”

“It’s not exactly something we need to discuss over dinner,” I say, my voice low.

Mack pulls a whatever face.

“A three-date rule?” Jeannie says, looking at me. “Can I ask why?”

“Oh, Jeannie, leave the boy alone,” Rob says. “He’s young, if he wants to be picky, he can.”

“He’s not that young,” my mom says, doing that mom thing where she thinks she’s helping and meaning well but it just comes off as embarrassing and condescending. “We could stand to make some progress in the relationship department. I’d like to have grandchildren, you know, before I’m too old to enjoy them.”

Mack snickers. “Good luck with that.”

I’m gonna kill my sister.

“Oh, I know what you mean. We would too,” Jeannie says. “Sadly, I think it’s going to be a while.”