Page 52 of Can't Help Falling

“Why?” he asks.

Does he really have to ask?

I sigh. “I just feel. . .stupid.”

“Because I saved you from the fire?” he asks, totally guessing wrong, thank goodness. “Don’t.”

“Oh, okay, well since you said so. . .” I roll my eyes.

He gives me a smile. A real one. Those are hard to come by with Owen. This is also doing things to me.

But then the smile fades, leaving us swimming in that same tense awkwardness as before. If Reagan were describing our tension, I dare say it would also not have the word “sexual” attached to it.

This is just me being weird.

“Look, Emmy, maybe we need to clear the air,” he says.

Then he just stares.

I stare back.

He takes a breath. “I’m not. . .I’m not good at, you know. . .”

“Talking?” I cut him off, smiling.

He nods at me. “Yeah. That.”

I nod back. “I know.”

He looks around, as if it’s hard for him to kick off the conversation. “So. . .um. . .the day I left, things got a little. . .”

Oh no, that’s the air he wants to clear?

“. . .strained between us, and—”

“Nope, all good!” I cut him off again. “Water under the bridge, you know?”

He stares again.

“It’s great! You’re coming for dinner, apparently. I’ll make a pie. It will counteract the effects of the goulash. We are totally fine.” And yet, I’m still out here acting like a weirdo.

“You’re sure?” he says. “Your mom’s inviting Mack and my parents. I think it’s turning into a whole thing.”

“She’s really proud of her goulash. Be ready to gain fifteen pounds.”

He smiles at that. “Okay,” he says. “Then, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” More of a question than a statement.

“Yes! Tomorrow! Great! Can’t wait!” I’m sure my smile looks more One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest than “demure woman” but I’m working with what I’ve got.

He hesitates, as if to make sure the conversation is truly over, and then leaves.

Reagan comes up beside me and follows my gaze. “You hate to see him go, but you love to watch him walk away.”

I slowly turn toward her. “Are you finished?”

“I’ve never seen you so flustered, Emmy.” She grins. “I’m just getting started.”

Chapter Twelve