Page 164 of Can't Help Falling

No. I wasn’t even thinking about that. Not that I don’t care, it’s just. . .


At my reaction, Jace draws back. “Not the lieutenant test.”

I shake my head.

“The girl,” he says. A statement, not a question.

I nod.

“What’s the problem?”

“I think I like her.”

Jace laughs. “Finally!” Affecting a Sunday morning preacher’s voice, he shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen, he speaks the truth!”

I remain stoic.

“What’s the problem? Mack says she’s sure Emmy feels the same way about you.”

I eye him.

Jace turns sheepish. “About that. . .look man, it just kind of happened, I’m sorry, but she’s amazing, and, well. . .”

I wave him off. “Mack can handle herself. And you’re a good guy.” I straighten. “But if you hurt her, we won’t be sparring in here. And you know I can kick your—”

He cuts me off with an upheld hand. “I know.” He looks away. “I really like her, man.”

“Why?” I chuckle. “She’s such a pain. Do you have any idea what you’re getting into?”

He smirks. “I’ve got a pretty good idea, yeah.”

“She’s going to drive you crazy, you know that, right?”

He slaps the gloves together and motions for me to get back at it. “I’m counting on it.”

I shake my head and lift my gloves. It should be that easy. Easy as saying I like her. Easy as saying my feelings for her have changed. Why isn’t it easy?

With Lindsay, she was the one that instigated everything. She was the reason our relationship progressed. Emmy is so different, and I get the sense she holds back a little. Probably because of our history.

Left. Left. Left-right.

“So, are you going to tell her?” Jace asks, swinging the mitt over my head as I duck.

Right, right-left.

“I mean, I think I have to.” I shake out my arms, loosening the tightness and fatigue.

I wonder if this is how Emmy felt all those years ago, keeping her feelings bottled up until she blurted them out after the not-wedding.

The timing was terrible, but maybe she just couldn’t keep it inside for another second. I get it now.

Looking back, she was the right girl at the wrong time.

Still, she did it. She said it. She put herself out there and it backfired.

No chance she’s going to do it again.